[NA] [H/A] (Zul’Jin) Critically Dumb 9/9H and 3/9M LF DPS

[NA] [H/A] (Zul’Jin) Critically Dumb 9/9H and 3/9M.

Critically Dumb is looking for players to solidify our raid roster for 10.2. We achieved 5/9M in Aberrus, Shadow of the Crucible. We are currently looking for additional dps specs to round out the mythic roster. High priority for a warlock, DH, and mage.

Who are we?

Critically dumb is a guild formed by a group of friends that enjoyed playing together and wanted more from the community of the game. On a cold winter night in 2018, the guild was founded by a group of friends and has been steadily growing ever since. The original goal of the guild was to raid together but it quickly grew to become a guild that not only achieved AOTC but also has dipped its toes into mythic every tier since. We achieved 4/8M Vault, 2/11M Sepulcher (roster boss), and 5/10M Sanctum.


The main goal of Critically Dumb is to achieve CE in 10.2. We enjoy progression raiding and enjoy playing the game together to its fullest extent in all forms of content in the game. However, we also enjoy playing other games outside of world of warcraft together and also enjoy content outside of raiding. Most of our raid team runs keys together outside of raid time and achieved Keystone Hero last season and have achieved it this season as well.


We enjoy a variety of additional content such as PVP, mount/mog runs, and achievement runs. We have a very active discord and community.


It is imperative to our raid team that you are on time and can maintain a near perfect attendance to raid. Our raid times are 8pm-11pm EST on Tuesday and Wednesday. That being said, we understand that real life comes first and sometimes you will not be able to make it.

Let me know if you are interested and/or have questions by pinging me on disc at dave.8008

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Big bump I heard this is a pretty cool guild that also went 5/9M in Aberrus, hit their money phone for big good times

Bumping. We need a dusty DH

bro if I were a DH I would definitely join this team

they are big - huge, even

Yo im a maining Dh and was 4/9m Ab. my days offf are your raid days.

Lookin for a mage to come join the bois

Bump for mage, dad yelled at me

Could someone please help me

Bumping for posterity (and posteriors)

Looking for a 450 mage. Come join gingis favorite NA guild

HUGE Bump - massive, even. We’re now AOTC and 2/9M.

Oh hey, it’s your boy and resident raid daddy here - we’re 3/9M now. Come see what the fricc is up. Light up my money phone yesterday.

Looking for gamer daps

Hi, im an aspiring gamer, and i was sent to come for this guild. I joined and they love me.
Vulkiir makes me hard, 5 :star2::star2::star2::star2::star2: would raid again

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