[NA][H][EST][HEROD] Polarity is recruiting!

Raid Times:

Weds/Thurs 9pm - 12 am EST

Optional third day as necessary.

About Us:

<Polarity> is a semi-hardcore Raiding/PvP guild, primarily focused on killing dragons quickly, dominating Alliance in world PvP, and most importantly building up our community. In <Polarity> we want to facilitate an environment that showcases the potential each individual has, new players and veterans alike. We highly value the social experience within a guild and strive to harbor positive and meaningful gaming experiences for many years to come.

Loot Council:

Our metrics for loot determination are simple and straightforward. If you show up, do what you’re supposed to do, perform at a high level, and don’t cause drama, you’re going to get loot. The system we have in place goes out of its way to ensure that people who invest the same amount of time and effort, acquire the same amount of power through their items. We rotate gear fairly, and you can expect to be similarly powerful to someone who raids the same amount of hours as you do. The only exception to this is legendary items and BiS weapons, which will be determined prematurely.

Example: Hunter will have priority on a Bow over a Rogue. Main tank will have priority on Thunderfury, etc.

Why Loot Council?

Anyone who has played in a DKP guild with bidding knows of its issues. Colluding and bid inflation is always exploited in DKP bidding systems and guarantees power level discrepancies between players who might have raided the same exact hours.

Example: All hunters agree to low bid items only good for hunters, every class has these items, and plan out who gets the items in order. They are able to exploit the system and hoard points for mixed class best in slot items. This is how cliques are formed and often make people resent each other when bid inflating.

Raid Expectations/Guild Focus:

  1. Full knowledge of class, including research through class discords and all other available information. We love to teach, so if you’re new, be ready to learn.

  2. Commitment to a consistent raiding schedule. This means 90%+ attendance to our raids.

  3. Show up 15 minutes prior to raid start and be ready to zone in/summon upon login.

  4. Progression and parsing runs will require full consumables.

  5. A progression-based mindset. This means patience during wipes and always pushing the limits of your class. Min/max is important, especially when we’re trying to progress.

  6. Have a team-oriented mindset. Realize that we are a team of raiders trying to achieve a common goal (clearing content) and that selfishness doesn’t contribute to that common goal.

Recruitment Needs:

Warrior: Medium

Mage: High

Warlock: Low

Druid: Medium

Shaman: High

Rogue: High

Priest: High

Hunter: Medium

Guild Rules:

  1. Racism, sexism, and any form of harassment will not be tolerated.

  2. NSFW content is prohibited in both Discord and guild chat.

  3. Do NOT discuss religion or politics.

  4. Try to keep Discord chatter in the appropriate channels.

  5. Do not knowingly post misinformation.

  6. Do not spam or beg for gold/items or share exploits.

  7. Do not advertise without permission from leadership.

  8. Zero-tolerance toxicity policy. Any blatant toxicity will be dealt with swiftly. If you have a problem with someone in guild, message leadership.

What else to expect?

-City Raids

-Premade BG’s

-World PvP

-Gold Farming

-Dungeon Farming

How To Apply?

If interested please fill out app here docs.google com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfczPRi9r93_Z__Dw4AtUaNFPhQhI7TbbzwEYENlAIwVIiCgA/viewform

Too access link please put in period after google

Reach us through Discord Sneakyry #5627


Applying :^)

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Sounds good! You can message me on Battle net for disc link =)

Great bunch of people here. Have been running with this crew for years and they know how to have a good time.

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Howdy! Do you have room for a Holy Priest & Prot Warrior?

Here’s a little info on us: LF [H][PVP][NA] Semi-Hardcore Warrior & Priest Looking For Progression Guild

For sure! Come join us on our discord server


Still looking for more like minded players!

Bump up to the top!

Let’s get some more homies! To the top!

good group of guys, have been playing with them for almost 10 years! Get @ it.

Bump! Come say wassup

Yessir, let’s get it! ^^

Already 30+ strong, come join us!!

The real deal, these guys are awesome!

Still looking for homies!! Split name reservation, 2 on Faerlina and 1 on Herod. Come join us up!

come be apart of a great community!

Name reservation day is here! Come help us kill dragons!

putting in app

Bump! Full on hunters/locks/druids. Still recruiting mages/rogue/priest/shaman! Hit us up!

Filled out app! Mage ready to rumble.