
Welcome, Whisper!

DPS is starting to look full for the PVE raid group. Could use another healer, or two.

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Welcome, Darv!

Movie for this Friday still needs to be selected, but I’m hoping it’s the one I chose - “Primer” - a mind bending time travel movie.

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Tough luck, Boris. It’s Balls of Fury. Possibly the lowest rated movie we’ve ever endured. I propose that every time someone gets their nuts smashed, everybody takes a shot.

Hey Balls of Fury is not even close to worst movie I could have suggested :stuck_out_tongue: Hope you all reading this recruitment drop by the Discord- this is a fun group of people, regardless of class or playstyle preference!

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I was gonna check the raid roster and see what all is left, but there’re others doing that… If you don’t plan to raid, or are looking for a backup/bench seat and are just in it for the community and wPVP, look us up—there’s more than enough of us doing just that, and there’s a high focus on helping eachother out in those leveling wPVP situations too


I love Christopher Walken and he is in tonight’s movie. He can be a very funny guy. My all time favorite is his in-car scene in Annie Hall (a movie I don’t like, btw):

Can I confess something? I tell you this as an artist, I think you’ll understand. Sometimes when I’m driving… on the road at night… I see two headlights coming toward me. Fast. I have this sudden impulse to turn the wheel quickly, head-on into the oncoming car. I can anticipate the explosion. The sound of shattering glass. The… flames rising out of the flowing gasoline.

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Ooh Walken and i have something in common

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You’ve both got a fever with but a single prescription capable of curing you?

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Thanks ye faithful for keeping this thing bumped while I’ve been swept up in my gross book launch.

We just like having new friends :wink:

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On that note, welcome jmoore! In other news, one of our own has swapped from Mage to Rogue in the PVE raid. There is now one mage slot available, and rogue is now full.

In still other news… The Land Before Time won the movie drawing?? This Friday at 8 PM CDT/CST, watch Littlefoot’s mother die all over again. Good.



Alliance scum.

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Hello Blood Elf. I see its important to you that you can be pretty as you saunter around Azeroth. See on you on Alliance.


“Possibly this [movie list] is the first list in the history of listing things that has had Land before Time directly above Silence of the Lambs.”


As you can see, we are a diverse group!


Indeed! Some of us aren’t even paladins.


Like watching Aeris die, Littlefoot’s mother just didn’t have the same impact. Plus, I mis-remembered her as getting completely savaged by a T-Rex. Instead some rocks fell on her. Or she fell on some rocks, whatever. Either way, the real Monster Hunter movie already came out in 1988.

Looking for a good rogue! Had one that unfortunately had to step down, so if you’re looking for that rogue slot to gear for PvP please stop by the discord

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Will also accept a great, amazing, or UB3R-1337-DUNK-ON’EM-SON rogue.

They grow up so fast, these days.

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