[N-RP] <The Blackwater Company> Is Now Hiring!

Speaking form experience, it is a solid RP guild. If you are interested in checking us out, swing on by the Rusty Nail!

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Are you ready to embark on a thrilling journey filled with boundless opportunities? Look no further! The Blackwater Company is seeking bold individuals like you who crave a life of adventure, the pursuit of riches, and the rush of excitement at every turn. If you’re ready to chart your own destiny, seize this chance to join our elite crew!

:pirate_flag: Unleash Your Adventurous Spirit: Set sail on daring expeditions across vast oceans, exploring uncharted territories and uncovering hidden treasures. Whether you’re battling mythical sea creatures or navigating treacherous waters, every moment will be an adrenaline-fueled adventure you won’t soon forget!

:moneybag: Unlock Untold Riches: In The Blackwater Company, the pursuit of wealth is a way of life. Engage in lucrative trade and commerce, negotiate deals, and acquire rare artifacts from the farthest reaches of the world. With our extensive network and entrepreneurial mindset, the potential for unimaginable fortunes awaits you!

:fire: Embrace the Call of Excitement: Tired of mundane routines? With The Blackwater Company, monotony becomes a thing of the past. Experience the thrill of exhilarating battles, defend against rival factions, and master your skills as a formidable mercenary. Your bravery and cunning will be celebrated in legendary tales of adventure!

:anchor: Join a Diverse and Fearless Crew: The Blackwater Company thrives on diversity, welcoming individuals from all backgrounds and races. Collaborate with seasoned sailors, resourceful traders, and skilled mercenaries who share your passion for adventure. Forge lifelong friendships and create a tight-knit community united by a thirst for excitement!

:earth_africa: Expand Your Horizons: Our journeys span across vast lands and mysterious continents. Immerse yourself in different cultures, encounter unique customs, and learn ancient secrets. The Blackwater Company offers a world of exploration at your fingertips.

Don’t let this opportunity pass you by! Join The Blackwater Company today and embark on a life of adventure, where riches and excitement await at every horizon. Unleash your true potential and become a legendary figure in the annals of exploration. Visit our tavern or reach out to any employee to set sail toward a future filled with wealth, adventure, and the thrill of a lifetime!

(/who is still broken. Tavern discord or stopping by is the fastest way if you don’t catch someone with /who the once in a while it works.)

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A GG-34 Gnomecorder rings out in the night. The person on the other end desperately trying to connect with a member of Azeroth’s ‘Blackwater Company’. The message she has is of dire importance, and the first sound she gets when her line is picked up…

‘Believe it or not, Stan isn’t at home. Please leave a message at the beep. I must be out, or I’d pick up the comm. Where could I be? Believe or not, I’m not at home.’

"Hi, Stan. This is Jennifer with Blackwater HR. You’re suppose to perform your contractual obligations in pitching Blackwater Company to the people of (Moon Guard) Azeroth. Talking up the fact that Blackwater performs regular missions, trading opportunities with various companies, dealing with powerful factions that lie below the surface of this expansive world. That the Blackwater Company also runs the Rusty Nail Taverns every Tuesdays from 7-to-9 (Server) and hosts The Privateer periodical for those in the professional trades. Fairly to meet these goals will result in us prorating your pay as a company pitchman. So, call me back… or at least change your answering machine. Alright, I gotta go. Bye…

Oh! And make sure to direct people to our public address for prospective clients and members. It can be found here at Tavern Discord - That address once again is-" CLICK


Coming to you live with a fresh bump! We’re still here, still recruiting, and still being investigated for multiple tax evasion cases!

Wait, I might have goofed saying that last part.


looks at the bumps above hers

Right…well, at any rate! If you are reading this and you wish to arrange a meeting, I would encourage you to check out the Rusty Nail.

What is the nail? Glad you asked. It’s a tavern owned and operated by the Blackwater and her members. You can find us located on the quaint island of Blackwake every Tuesday night at the 7th bell. (IC/Proxy location is the Isle of Tol Barad, Warmode off)


We are still recruiting! We had a terrible accident last night and unfortunately, insurance premiums will remain high for a while but as long as our new hires are safety conscious and forklift certified, we’ll be alright!

Also, don’t forget to check out the 65th edition of the Privateer!

Yes this is a double advertisement! No this is not a Jojo reference!

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Blackwater still has some spots open for horde or alliance members. Come join the winning faction, the one coated in gold and riches.

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Friends it is time I sing the praise of this guild once more! Come on out to our tavern, the Rusty Nail, meet cross faction players, meet US and see the work we do with an immersive campaign across the high seas of Azeroth. No need to meander the streets of SW or Org just for RP, we out in the open world and you’re all welcome to join!

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We still have some openings left. We are just about done with our current campaign chapter and looking to start the next one. Now is a great time to jump in and get to know your future cellmates, I mean alibis, before we get into the next bit of story.

We also have plenty of one-off events and social events through our tavern and Free Seas community.

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If you haven’t joined us, are you -truly- free?

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I can honestly say that they’re some of the best people I’ve had the privilege to rp and just chat with.

Laid back guild with a great group of people. Stop by our Tavern night on Tuesdays sometime!

Amazing group! Tavern night on Tuesdays is one of the most fun community events on the server!


Whether you’re a seasoned roleplayer or a fresh-faced sailor, the Blackwater Company welcomes all who are ready to embrace the pirate’s life. From the creaking planks of our ship to the depths of the treasure-laden islands, your destiny awaits!

Set your sails, grab your cutlass, and hoist the Jolly Roger high! Join the Blackwater Company today and make your mark on the high seas of World of Warcraft. Arrr, what are ye waitin’ for? :pirate_flag::ocean::crossed_swords:

Visit our guild post in the recruitment section or send a parrot-carried message to Founder Jerard DeSirrus.

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This is your publicly mandated BUMP!

Here to remind you all that this tried and true company of Buccaneers, Pirates, and Privateers stands ready to join you in adventures that sail the seas of Azeroth in this World of Warcraft!

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The Blackwater still has some open spots!

Even if you are not looking for a guild, feel free to join us at our tavern on Tuesdays or at any other open server events we offer to get people out into the world and off city walls.

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Hi, I’d like to join! Who do I contact?

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Horde : Verasela or Persefaný
Alliance: Alonar, Gregorium, or Persefaní


The Blackwater is still hiring, we are in a slowdown for October due to other community events we are supporting, but back to our more significant stories in November!


They’re still hiring and running quality events, both public and guild centric!