[N-RP Event, Friday March 24th] Bright & Bold Rave! On WrA!


WHEN: Friday, March 24th - 6pm WrA (Pacific Time)
WHERE: THIS EVENT IS ON WYRMREST ACCORD - Drunken Hozen Inn at Dawn’s Blossom in the Jade Forest, Pandaria
WHO: Cross-faction/cross-server friendly!
WHAT: Wear anything bright and/or bold, come show off those pretty mogs and dance the night away! Bartenders will be NPC and the music link will be provided in-game at the event.

We do have a community set up called ‘Hereafter’ which will be used for anchoring in these casual events. If you have issues seeing people there, join the community and ask for an invite! If you are on another server, definitely join the community so we can pull you over!


Happening this Friday!!

This is TOMORROW!!

This is happening tonight!!

Oh, exciting!