Mythic Raider Looking for Home (Survival Hunter Currently)

I’ve been AoTC since it was Legion and started raiding Mythic during BFA.

Uldir - 2/8M - Brewmaster / Mistweaver
BoD - 4/9M - Brewmaster / V-Demon Hunter
Crucible - AoTC - Brewmaster / Hunter
AEP - 5/8M - Havoc/Vengeance DH
Ny’aloth - 11/12M - Havoc DH (Heroic on RSham, Mistweaver)
Nathria - 4/10M - Prot Pally / Ret Pally / Havoc DH (Heroic on RSham, Mistweaver)
Sanctum - 5/10M Survival/BM Hunter, Havoc DH
Sepulcher - 2/11M Survival

I’ve gotten KSM as a Prot Pally, Havoc/V-DH, Survival/BM Hunter and am currently working on an RSham because I’m bored.

Raid times are after 5-10pm PST Sun - Thu. Weekends must be reserved usually for outdoorsy things. Runner - 5k, 10k, Half Marathons… Spartan OCR Races and decide to start Mountaineering because OCR’s got boring and easy.

That’s me in a nutshell…

What I want is a place that lets me raid and gives me a shot at CE. That has people to run keys with that actually push themselves to do more than 15’s even though that’s the highest that matters for the vault. (2500IO Currently on my hunter, 2k on the DH, close to 2100 on the Prot Pally, pushing for KSM on my RSham)

Looking for like minded people that are always willing to pull at 8:59 when the raid ends at 9 and are sitting outside the raid 15 minutes early to kill trash so we get 3ish hours of raiding in.

[H][US][Dalaran] 2-Day Mythic Progression Guild LF DPS - T/Th (8-11 PM EST)

Hello Bruneau!

I would love for you to join my team!

Progression: 31/31 Heroic. Excited to hit Mythic in a week or two after filling the roster and grinding out Dinars!

Our History: We recently reformed on Dalaran for a better server culture and are excited to have a Stranger Things-themed guild!

What we offer:

  1. Mythic + (multiple groups run +20-27 keys)

  2. Alt raiding, transmog runs, and other guild activities

  3. Guild repairs

  4. Potentially PvP nights in the future

Battle Group(Stormstrike): Andorhal · Anetheron · Archimonde · Black Dragonflight · Dalaran · Dalvengyr · Dentarg · Duskwood

What we want:

  • Attendance (90%+ ideally) (but – real life comes first, we get that!)

  • Come prepared for fights and be willing to take feedback

Current Needs (for Mythic Team): DPS: Fury/Arms Warrior, Fire Mage, and/or a Havoc Demon Hunter Heals: Willing to trial for a Flex Healer Tanks: None ATM

Current Wants (for Mythic Team): Unholy Death Knight/Enhance Shaman/Balance Druid/Windwalker Monk

For more information, add the following Battle Tag:

Recruiter: Malideon#1650 -Bnet (Malideon#6527 -Discord Preferred)

Come push CE with us!