Mythic plus ruined this game

The old raid or death also had issues though.

RNG picked if you actually met some kind of goal in the run time. You see, even ML needs gear to drop.

7 people in the list. If the item does not drop in 2 weeks of runs…there is still 7 people waiting. Maybe week 3 gets better? Who knows? Rng does…

Even redo wrath squished ilevel to not have Ulduar die off as soon as ToGC hit.

Also classic, OG then redo, was/is famed for raid logging. Unless you pvp or want to make 1000’s on the AH…you were done after say 2 nights. Maybe you tinker on alts. Or not. either way the “main” was literally done any progression till next weeks reset.

Low-skilled people crying about mythic plus are killing the forums.

Max power? You mean fully geared players? lol no

A DPS, Healer, or Tank has much more responsibility and accountability in a 8-10 mythic than someone playing one of those roles in a max geared out heroic raid.

Max power as in the keys that award the highest ilvl gear possible.

Start of season +8s are easier than the later half of a heroic raid.

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Ok this I dont know so perhaps that is correct. In general I would say mythic 8-10 is more challenging in heroic raids based purely on how easy it is to carry someone in heroic raid.

Once the capacity to overgear said content becomes a factor arguably yes, but I’d also consider that perhaps such a metric should be evaluated proportionately. It’s easier to carry one person in a heroic raid than it is a m+ dungeon, but that 1 person in a dungeon is 1/5 of the group and 1/3~ of the DPS. I’d imagine it’s roughly equally difficult to carry 4 people in a 20 man heroic raid.

Throughout DF while there have been sweeping changes to m+ as a whole, the difficulty of the keys needed to unlock maximum vault rewards has only been decreasing.


Thank you for telling the truth!