Mythic plus ruined this game

Because WoW used to offer more options that were good, but for some reason, the devs only want to cater to people that like pizza.

And what options that were good would those be? List them.

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“What’d you do on July 4th”


Oh, the same thing I do every day. I troll the GD forums and doomsay the game I continue to pay for.

“Why’d you do that?”

“Cause I’m incredibly sad”

Solved that one


Then you should have no issues with it being removed.
Also it’s not +6, compare it to heroic raids. Looks like 13 to me.

What options

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M+ highlights the main problem WoW has had for some time now. Once casual players that don’t want to deal with hardcore raiding and timers reach a certain point, their progression comes to a halt. They either get on the M+ train, or they spend the rest of the patch with very little character progression.

Blizzard needs to give people not interested in grinding M+ other forms of content. This has been a huge problem for the game since Legion.

If you don’t do M+ you are so far behind when it comes to gearing.


So what were the other options WoW used to offer that were good?

We are gonna have delves.

So solo content. Group content. Raid content.

What option is missing?


Gear gaps were smaller. You could use full honor blues and be barely below raiders in Vanilla.
Vanilla 5 man gear was very good, also had 20 mans which were extremely casual friendly and gave crazy good loot.

20 mans were replaced with lower difficulties but it’s really not a good replacement and the gear matters far too much compared to back then.

In TBC heroic badge gear was insanely good, it had some nice 10 man gear, PvP gear had no rating requirements for a while and was competitive with PvE for weapons and some misc slots(druid tanks for example wanted resilience).

WOTLK was just piss easy, don’t even remember if 5 man loot was relevant but it was so easy to pug raids.

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So the option that is missing, is that all of the content was completely trivial and your gear didn’t matter?

Doesn’t really answer the question, at all.

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That’s fine, but players who don’t want M+ didn’t lose anything by its inclusion. The same options exist for them to engage with dungeon or raid content today as they had before Legion; M+ just added another option for those who want it.

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There was Normal and Heroic…

Life Good.

Then Mythic comes up, kill raiding.

Raid gone.

Think about raiding…


This is key, and needs to be highlighted.

nothing was taken out of the game with the advent of m+.


This isn’t the full story, though. Itemization is entirely different from where it was, then.

Waste of time trying to debate this guy. Dude thinks no one had anything to do in the game when M+ wasn’t a thing. Meanwhile, the game lasted over a decade without this crap.

Itemization in retail is boring.

I tend to agree. I don’t think it has anything at all to do with M+, though.

Sure does, the generic itemization allows them to populate dungeons with basically the same items. Trinkets are like the only outliers.

This itemization was copied from ARPGs, only they didn’t copy all the cool uniques that ARPGs have.

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The ARPG itemization is a part of WoW’s DNA. The state we’re at now is a natural homogenizing progression of it, not some magic result of M+.

What??? lol

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I asked for what those items were.

You have not answered that question.

“dont try to debate the guy that is trying to engage in the points you are bringing up”

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What’s confusing about that? Are you unaware of how item suffixes work in WoW?