Mythic plus ruined this game

Your issue reads like you’re mad this isn’t a single player game, think about why this is’t a single player game

No one said that.
9 hours of content a week from a video game is absolutely pathetic. People put more hours into a single day of playing an RTS/MOBA/FPS/etc

What if I don’t want an unhealthy amount of gameplay?

Sorry, homie. Some of us got lives and can’t commit much more than this to the game.

Also, wow has literally limitless content to run for players who want to invest that time

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M+ is the only thing thats keeping me playing the game tbh. I work a 2nd shift job and dont have the time to raid much, and i find M+ 100 times more fun than raiding.

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To be clear that’s 9 hours across 3 nights of 3 hours each, every week, where all 23~ of us come together to progress the currently active raid. I play outside of that, I do achievements, I collect mounts / transmogs, I do M+ and try to do a little better than I did last week. We as a guild have monthly game nights, most evenings someone’s usually sitting in discord streaming whatever they happen to be playing and we chill out together.

I’m also looking forward to delves, it probably won’t take me too long to finish them but I’m still going to enjoy the time I spend progressing the various levels and fighting the final boss.


I’ve said this before but it’s less M+ and more loot structuring.

The great vault (M+ track only) allows you to leapfrog where you actually are in terms of difficulty and gain loot as powerful as Mythic raiding while doing things way below that difficulty. Meanwhile Great vault DOESNT let you do that on the other 2 rows… that’s a problem.

M+ grants wyrms and aspects pretty easily. Wyrms aren’t a huge problem to get from Heroic raid though they’re less accessible due to how raiding works, once per week, and again actually harder to get than lower M+ keys. Aspects are infinitely easier to get doing M+ than mythic raiding cuz well come on, same reasons as before but even more exaggerated.

Gearing issues also adds to the pretty old problem of running into people geared over their relative skill/ability. It was always a problem but blizzard directly contributes to it by having the M+ great vault in particular.

I think crest acquisition from M+ and the M+ great vault are the biggest offenders when it comes to M+, and honestly it wouldn’t feel so bad if EVERYTHING worked that way and was repeatable content but from what I know currently this is the case:

  • M+ is repeatable powerful gearing, only capped by weekly caps.
  • Raiding is 1/week fair (power level) gearing which the weekly cap doesn’t matter for since you can’t hit it by only raiding
  • Delves have a bonus chest situation that’s limited weekly and are capped on how powerful their gear gets (hero track)

This is CLEARLY a problem in the game. M+ is way way way way way more powerful than all other content when it comes to gearing up which is a huge driving force for most players. I’m not necessarily saying it should be toned down but if it’s not then the other methods should be brought up, especially raiding which has always been a core pillar for end game content and considering the required group effort, time, etc that it takes… I mean come on it needs to be brought up the M+ level of rewards.

Anyway yeah, M+ introduced a number of problems to the game with how it’s evolved and something needs to change. We’ll see how things look in the future when we get there.


You interestingly enough mentioned exactly why people don’t want it touched. It’s an easier gear track to mythic item level gear, and with the catalyst, mythic tier.

It’s always been easier just on the reasoning that you aren’t herding a raid sized kaboodle of cats, and aren’t potentially carrying dead weight. It’s easily plugged to max rewards, unlike mythic raiding. The vault after a freaking 2 gave me a better piece than I got for the raid track after clearing most of the awakened raid. It’s just… Weird.

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Wow is heading down this path too. Classic has been propping up the main game for some time, numbers wise.

The only thing keeping WoW is going is the whales at this point.

and other lies you tell yourself

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Do you know what a corporation is?

The problem is that mythic raids drop player power.
Remove player power from mythic raid loot(make it cosmetic only), then tone down the gigantic ilvl leaps every raid tier.

You can then actually balance the games gear progression properly.

The only thing keeping WoW going is the cost sunk of 10+ years.
Once those people are too old to care or die of old age, this game is Wild Star 2.0 as long as Ion is still in charge with his archaic ideas.

Delves is the first time Ion actually budged on his “raid or die” mentality, but I don’t actually think delves are going to stay as they are and will actually get axed on rewards day1.

m+ becomes ever more rewarding… I don’t get your point. There’s also a ton of casual content.


M+ is way too easy in TWW, the rewards need bringing in line with raiding. Then the PvP rewards need a buff, because it’s most difficult to gear through PvP in TWW.

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But pvp has that Ilvl will be set to X thing?

Delves are horribly boring. Been playing them on the beta. They’re DOA.

Blizzard doesn’t have the talent they used to have. I listen the dev interviews, these people are just bad game designers. Blizzard has too many cooks.

Dude it’s literally a post about m+ and he’s the one that brought them in, what?

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The player power gains from mythic raid loot is pretty inconsequential, it’s +6 ilvl with the exception being some trinkets. Nobody is doing 100+ pulls on bosses for a chance at a 6 ilvl upgrade. It’s a feat thing.

huh? Oh. I looked at your feats of strength. lack of experience in every endgame section of the game. These takes make more sense now.

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Everyone must eat and like pizza in your world, huh?

Of course not, but I do however expect someone to not come into a pizza shop exclaiming how they don’t like pizza while demanding a gourmet steak.

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