Mythic Plus in WoW: A Call for Systemic Change

From the perspective of someone who wants to raid, probably. From the perspective of someone who wasn’t going to raid anyway, it’s another PVE endgame mode you can spend in WoW if that’s how you want to spend your free time.

I genuinely understand the rub from raiders who feel burnout grinding endless M+ and I’m truly interested in finding a solution. But proposing the only solution that could exist is removing M+ entirely cuts away a primary gameplay mode for a lot of people and not something I would be in favor of. And quite honestly, from a health of the game perspective, it also would probably be largely detrimental given how the last expansion before M+ went…

Wait, resto shaman was allowed into M+ in Legion? Today I learned…

Fun is subjective. I like M+ and it even saved the game for me as I wouldn’t be playing if raid were the only PVE endgame available still. It’s fine for you to not like it, but I’m going to push back on calls for its removal when the only reason you bring is your subjective opinion on its value for the game as a whole.


I know you think you dissected everything I said, but you missed my point.

I love that you wrote these replies back to back, and yet don’t realize you are doing EXACTLY what you accuse me of doing. It’s pathetic and hilarious at the same time.

That’s gotta be some of the most limited thinking I’ve ever seen. All I read was “no because we can’t”.

They can do whatever they want, m8. I’ve seen this “we can’t” ever since TBC and every 2 years they come out with new stuff that we “couldn’t” before.

Dungeons that addapt to the team going in, with challenges on par with the speccs the 5 people have, isn’t such a farfetched idea.

Also, I’m not saying it should be downright impossible to complete at a +2. Nothing like that.

I’m saying they made The Proving Grounds get harder and harder as we went to higher numbered waves, and they can do that with this kind of dungeon as well.

At Wave 2 of silver DPS you don’t care who you trap with amber or even if you do. At wave 55+ you totally care and need to adapt.

All I’m saying is that I’d rather see a skill challenge rather than a speedrun of something. I can’t say I understand how you find that impossible, but I guess I’ll have to accept it.