Mythic only mount? even though razageth was on every option?

There’s nothing wrong with exclusive rewards for the hardest content

There have been several non mythic mounts amidst tiers like the mount from the 9 in sanctum but the status quo has been 2nd and 3rd tier mythic has a mount. So you got your random drop already. Maybe they should have held it off later maybe not.

They’re more than likely either allowing the mounts to be used outside or opening it up once they sort other things. Eventually

one tier you get it while bad, one tier you have to earn it.

it’s okay to alternate.

So basically what I’m hearing is they shouldn’t have made raz for all. You’ve become ridiculously entitled

It’s not mythic only.

yeah, i saw the recent change…
and guess what, it seems i won

Thats literally all every mount is… they are essentially cosmetic options. They almost universally fo the exact same thing, they just… look different. Literally no difference between the snowy gryphon and normal gryphon. Must just mean its just a cosmetic item?

And lets be real, the people like me who have never really gotten to do much mythic raiding, will just go solo the raid in like 3 years, then complain again that it “took us too long to be able to get it”. Its almost like they i dunno, want to incentivise people to do their content. What a novel idea! Lmao its one of the reasons i may actually try to get into mythich raiding this season, so its kind of working.

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Raszageth mount was a mistake imo. It absolutely should be mythic only. If you want it but you aren’t good enough to get it you have two options:

You don’t get it.
You buy a carry.

There are already way too many participation trophies in this game. You don’t deserve to get something just because you want it.