Blizzard would probably implement some sort of “deserter” penalty for a queue-able/matchmaking version of M+.
Just that alone would scare away most of the good/decent players No one wants to be “stuck” in a 1 hour wipefest dungeon with baddie teammates.
With other “automated” content like random BGs and LFR you are basically “guaranteed” to eventually complete the content so long as you stick around (one way or another).
With an automated M+ queue there is no such guarantee. You could realistically get hardstuck on a difficult boss, and unable to complete the run… unless Blizzard also throws in a “determination”-style failure buff.
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I fully support this system. Right now we absolutely need a system that automates the lfg process. It doesn’t matter if the match making takes half an hour or longer. As long as it is automated, we get to do other things during queue. Sitting in the lfg clicking the refresh and sign up button for half an hour isn’t fun. Also, looking at the apply list for the same 30min as a key holder is boring as well.
As for the needed utilities, there can be reserved spots for those in the match making system. It just has more sorting and reordering to do than the current match making system.
Talking about incentive, I think anyone who is doing 13+ keys has some incentive to use it. Lets split into different cases for further discussion.
I think an important thing to understand is, in the current lfg system everyone is basically using their own match making system. And just because some people don’t like it doesn’t mean said system will absolutely fail. An official match making system will have many compromises and is unlikely to fully satisfy everyone. As long as it is better than the current lfg system for most people then the new system is successful.
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There’s just no way around the tank problem. DPS wait times would be incredibly long.
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As a healer/tank main, I wouldn’t be using a random queue. Not that 15’s are that hard, but I don’t wanna get put into a group where no one knows how to interrupt or use their utility. I can just go find a group in the normal finder with people who I’m semi-confident with rather then throw it up to luck.
It really wouldn’t affect me either way if it got put in, but even giving runes/gold to queue up wouldn’t be enough to get me to use it, unless the rewards were stupidly high to compensate for the chance at getting a group that has no idea what they’re doing.
And there is nothing wrong with that. It is not like dps wait time is short with the current system. The new system however, is automated, so it will always be better, especially if the wait time is long.
A common misunderstanding about match making system is that it will fully satisfy everyone. No it won’t. Those who sit in the queue for a short time currently will get their groups up quickly with the new system, and those who wait for a long time to get a group will probably have to do the same. But the new system again, is automated. So if your queue time is long currently, you better support an automated system since you can go do something else instead of clicking the refresh button for half an hour.
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Dumb idea that would waste dev time, nobody would want to risk their key, tanks and healers won’t queue period because they arnt going to put themselves in a dumb situation that is almost guaranteed to fail the run
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You are free to have your own version of the MM system. Just understand that a new official system will probably try to appeal to the majority of the players. So if your standards are average you probably will get the automated same thing.
If some one has higher standards and is currently one of the more sought after classes, then he or she can look for people at a higher level. But this is an efficiency vs quality situation. In the current system said person can indeed get people with better quality, but in the new system that person’s advantage does not disappear: since the new system will only match players with similar level, the advantage will be transformed into maybe shorter queue time. Players can prefer efficiency in the current system as well. How many times do we put up a key in lfg and immediately some one who doesn’t satisfy our expectation shows up? We just have the tendency to wait for some one who meets or surpasses our expectation. But really, how many of us who is 215+ ilvl needs a lot of quality to complete our weekly chests?
And even if some one who is an advantageous class is going for quality, the players said person is able to find will be within a reasonable range most of the time. In game example will be, players mostly play with those within 100 io score range. This is the case because most people have adapted to have reasonable standards and expectations. And if the new system is designed to be intended for most players, it will be slowly developed into a reasonable system.
In the current system there are occasions where players vastly better than us decide to join the group. But are these occasions really giving an edge to the current system?
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The problem though is that your automated system will still need tanks that are willing to use it. A player struggling to get into keys would be infinitely better off just hosting their own key. It would save countless hours.
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that’s only really relevant if there’s a shortage of DPS, which is not remotely the case
Not really. First of all for 17+ everyone has a least 15min+ queue time.
And the fact that sometimes the ideal key is not always available creates a queue time. For example some warrior tank with 1.8k io wants to finish a 14 for a vault. There are a few 14 -17 keys available, but it is tyrannical week so 16 and 17 keys are annoying, and the 14 and 15 keys don’t need a tank. This happens half of the time. With an automated system, the warrior will not have to stare at the lfg for 5-10 mins. He can just queue up and go do something else.
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I don’t know that I’ve seen a list of 14-15 keys that are full up on tanks. I’ll ignore that for the sake of argument, but even in the scenario where a few tanks are unwilling to wait 5 minutes, what’s the que time going to look like for the average dps in there?
The solution has always been for those players to just host their own keys. It’s tried and true. A randomly generated team, whether it utilizes IO or not, just isn’t going to work out. Dungeon finder and raid finder is for the stuff that can’t be failed.
All that said, a que system for 0’s so players can get their starter keys is a great idea.
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sometimes I wish the effort these post go thru they put as much effort as getting good.
That is why people need an automated system so even if the queue time is long they can go do something else.
Even if one decides to host own keys he or she still needs some time to form a group with enough utilities. And checking the list of applicants constantly is even more painful than clicking the refresh button every minute. Why not use an automated system where one just has to hit queue and wait for it to pop up?
And please don’t put the blame of failing a key on a system like this. Firstly, keys are not expected to always be timed, so putting the blame entirely on a system is hilarious. Secondly, in lfg you get random people applying to keys as well. Most key owners look at the io and class utilities to make decisions, the same thing a MM system can accomplish. The result will be similar as long as most players’ expectation and standards are reflected in the new system, for example, a sub 1k io player isn’t looking for 1.3k io player to carry their KSM. And I don’t think players looking for carries are that numerous, and they are not usually that successful to become a norm.
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They did. You start a group, people apply, and you pick the best candidates based on your own stipulations coupled with their credentials.
Hey look at that! It’s been working just fine.
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Because the que times would be outrageous. Tanks are going to be exceedingly hard to come by and if your system is giving preferential treatment to classes with the right utility, you’re right back to where this whole thing started. If the system just takes anyone with the right IO, the failure rate increases rather substantially.
There’s just no scenario where I can’t host and fill up my own key in 10 minutes. Maybe 15 if I want to be picky. There’d be no reason to sit in an automated system for hours. There’s not enough daily content to do while waiting for that thing to pop. The amount of time it would take to get into your 10 groups a week would far exceed the time it would take to complete them.
It’s not practical.
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solo queue m+ and solo queue RBGS would be pog.
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Why would I, as a key-owner who wants to time my key, list my key in this random system? If a random queue can’t produce better results (more timed keys) than the current system, very few key owners are going to list their keys with it.
You’re suggesting a system that’s going to be dead on arrival.
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Why would it take hours to fill? If the same amount of tanks and special classes is in the queue system, it would be just like the current system?
Why would tanks be hard to come by? Not many people are expected to consistently get carried in the game, and those who do gives up quickly. Not to mention the system has the advantage of being fully automated.
Special classes will always be special, no queue system will change that without compromising to much success rate. Some people like me are just looking for an automated lfg. And the lfg is only bad because it is not automated, and takes a while to find people.
There ARE some people who like to just throw their key out at lfg just to see if they can get a carry, and if they don’t they proceed normally. To get these people using it Blizzard just have to add some rng into the system so sometimes you get matched with players better than you.
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Let’s try it on mythic raiding first, and see how it goes. If these auto groups are consistently downing mythic Sire, we can give M+ a look.
Until then, me and my key will group with who we please, thank you very much.
That’s the problem right there.
Tanks get into practically everything. They even get to skip the line a bit…more or less. They’re just not going to use a system like that. It’ll be overloaded with DPS and automated or not, you still need a tank.
If a key can be hosted and filled in 10 minutes, there’s just no need for this thing. It’s a waste of developer time and it’d be dead in a few weeks. There’s just no way around it unless you forced players to use it.
In any case, we’re just going in circles now. We’ll see what it looks like if they ever add such a thing.