Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

complain in the forums about end game availability for dungeon and not only raids.

I literally would NOT touch M+ in legion because I was always the biggest dungeon fan. When they made M+ I was like nah nobody can be better at dungeons than me screw that. A TIMER?! SERIOUSLY? That’s how I’m being judged?? Yeah nope not happening.

I did pick it up season 1 of BFA and have enjoyed it every season since excluding season 3 of SL real life stuff happened so I bought KSM carry lmao.

Ok. So, not to jump ahead in your story: did these devils curse you out, in group chat, then in whispers? Did they kick you, after psychically attacking you with pure malice for your being a new player? Or, did you not bother to say anything in party chat?

I’ll never understand why so many WoW players want to push the narrative that every FFXIV player is just seething with some unspoken rage. The only social platform where I’ve reported more racist behavior than WoW, was Facebook before I dropped it. I’ll bet some of the threads on here weren’t even 404’ed.

Back to the subject at hand: WoW is doing a lot better these days, but it has some catching up to do with respect to its community. Trying to compare this community, to so-called bad behavior in any other game, is flat out disingenuous. Final Fantasy won out over No Man’s Sky, which is amazing, because that community is heavenly. Let’s hope WoW is a nominee this year or next.

[Final Fantasy XIV wins Multiple Golden Joystick Awards](

yet, here you are pushing the narrative that players in wow are seething with rage, cursing you out, kicking you, etc.

did that happen once and are you still letting it live in prime time in your head? that’s a YOU problem not a community problem.

I run a lot of keys. far more than you do, and the number of times I have a negative experience is far, far, far surpassed by the number of times I have a good to neutral experience. Do negative experiences happen? of course they do. The difference between you and me though? I don’t wallow in them.

don’t let the negative times be the only thing you focus on. maybe you’ll be spewing less hyperbole all over the place.


Because they’re all over the WoW forums talking up their game, instead of you know… playing it.

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Tell a FFXIV player you skipped the story and see how quickly the Wow FFXIV community is amazing façade vanishes.

Anyone who was following the echo/limit guys who went on to admit skipping the story would’ve seen this ugly side of their community already.

500% true.

I’m an unapologetic story skipper. I paid to skip as much of the MSQ as I could. and holy heck did I get a lot of shade thrown at me for it.

Meh, if I wanted to run timed Greater Rifts, I’d just go back to Diablo 3 where you never had to worry about leavers ruining your key or had to have some perfect route memorized.

Honestly, I wasn’t that crazy about non-timed Mythics when they came out in WoD (although I ran them) because there was no automatic system for forming groups for them. Manual grouping for group content is a huge step backwards for the game IMO.


While I enjoy raids far more than M+, I have a lot of anxiety issues and I run them with my guild just fine.

It’s a real shame for sure. M+ is just Rifts from D3 and we saw how that destroyed that game. No idea why they thought M+ wouldn’t destroy this game? M+ was an okay idea for an expansion but never should of became this thing in place of actual content.

Game was better off before M+ and likely the game will never be a true MMO again where it’s a wonderful journey.

PS - Please remove the chore list Toxic Great Vault please and thanks. Dear Devs just have vendors and stop trying to resist what is better for the game!


hard to not wallow on them if it’s all they get :person_shrugging:
People can’t accept that they’re the issue

Yep for now fated lfr ftw!

Better yet, tell them the story sucks and it’s the reason you can’t stand playing the game (which is true, I quit during the town walkthrough with the guy that won’t shut up, I was bored to tears).

You are correct.

I’d ask you to use the search function and simply type in anything to do with afros or black hairstyles, or the word ‘woke’, but it won’t help a thing. You are still very much correct.

Well, two screens, one to play games on, the other for whatever. I’m gaming Cyberpunk right now, but still, you are correct as well.

And you are absolutely correct, sir.

I honestly think I just needed this thread.

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You also have said that you don’t pug that much. Kind of hard to relate when you play with the same people all the time.

I see negativity all the time. Especially in high keys where making the timer is a lot more strict


Do you get psychically attacked often in WoW? Do you find the ESPers hanging out with the MDI pros in heroics?

I pug alot and I hardly see them. Maybe ones every 100+ runs. Sooo…

Raiding post Wrath is actually some of the most degenerate stuff added to the game.

They should adopt final fantasy’s type of raiding. Cut down on trash, increase loot or give more deterministic ways to get loot. Make fights a little easier and cut back on how many raid modes.

I only pug my keys.

I’ve seen barely any negativity. Most runs are silent with a “gg” and the occasional “skip here”.


I once told a guy in the guild I was in with FFXIV that I skip story and dont care, I just play for my catgirl and a few classes. I got chewed out so bad by all of them including him and got kicked and was told to go back to WoW.

Well I’m back in WoW and do feel more at home lol… I just want M+ to be reworked or removed at this point.

Bring back fun raiding for your good gear instead of spamming 15’s.