Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

What you’re referring to is the neurotic Classic min max world buff sperg era, not the halcyon era. Further back. 3 characters max, but your alts had to be run on their own time outside the guild. That was the typical formula.

I’ve played since this game was in beta, I’m sorry but what you refer to was never commonplace in the guilds on my server back then. In fact, we had raid nights almost every night of the week and alts were always welcomed.

Only for the people that don’t like it.

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Same here, we ran our normal raid, then the rest of the nights were alt raids.

A timer deciding if your victorious or not is the biggest mistake IMO. Having the ability to make your dungeon more difficult for greater rewards was a good idea on it’s own. The timer needs to be redesigned and kept for only competitive play.


Until you don’t skip a cutscene within 2 milliseconds, at which point you’ll never see your group again.

This literally makes no sense. No content in this game rewards loot that only works in some other unrelated content.

They quit. Lol.

If this were true, I’d stick to 15s.

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Doubtful. Considering i go through anxiety myself and actively avoid gaming that makes me anxious. I play to have fun, not stress. But good on you if you think you can handle something others cannot and think everyone is the same as you.

Popular doesn’t mean healthy. The theory of the Path of least resistance applies. When you make an easy travelled path that bypasses all the social interaction in what is supposed to be a social game, you are in fact encouraging unhealthy behaviors that lead to poor experiences.


A thing that has never happened. When a person is new to a run, you’re notified that they are new, so you know they’ll likely watch the cutscene. And if they aren’t new, people STILL tend to watch the cutscene. And everyone is nice enough to wait.

Dungeon behavior in FFXIV is the easiest way to identify players from other games.

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Doubtful. Doesn’t even sound like you’ve been clinically evaluated. You “go through anxiety”?

See how petty that sounds?

Actually I explained the logic as to how I handle it well. I haven’t always, but you ignored that and instead accuse me of lying about a mental health condition. Instead of that potentially helping someone have that click for them, you’ve minimized the discussion into an argument about my sincerity and honesty.

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You should be running content higher difficulty than previous week that drops better gear. I had 15 consecutive weeks of all upgrade from Season 2 and 3. It’s just 4th week of Vault and you cant get consistent upgrade? You are not even at peak or KSM. You are not doing your vault correctly.

It’s very rough to get into keys as a DPS. You have to constantly hit that refresh button because DPS spots fill so fast. My problem is that I blacklist grimrail depot, both Karazhans, and Mechagon workshop. All for the reason that these dungeons are difficult to practice my parses in.

Workshop wouldn’t be too bad except tanks like to solo the first trash pull and the tunnel after the first boss brings my logs way low.

Some would argue that m plus was the best thing.
Why is ur opinion the only one that matters

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It has 100% happened to me. People doing story roulette just wanna blast through as quick as possible to get their rewards. I watched too much of a cutscene and had no clue where to go, as the group had gone ahead without me. FFXIV community is not the holy land so many say it is.

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You are stooopid

I’m pretty heavily medicated for anxiety issues and m+ is just fine. It’s the content I most enjoy in the game.

stop speaking in absolutes.


haha this is so true. the people who play FF? they’re no different than the people who play wow.

there’s no utoian ideal going on over there where everything is sunshine and roses.

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