Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

That still exists, even with Mythic+. To act like that doesn’t exist is disingenuous. Furthermore, that “end” is always Mythic Raid if max ILVL is your goal.

The people who say this are probably boomers who are used to CC’ing entire packs of mobs and killing them one at a time over several minutes for a single pull. Anything faster than “the slowest you could possibly fight these monsters” is “MDI” in their brain.

You just have to learn to filter out this noise.

This is the type of thing you have to filter out for instance. Even though again and again it’s “I play M+ because its the most fun, I only raid or only want to raid because M+ gear is dog %%%%”, somehow these people try to flip the script and make it seem like people who push keys are only doing it for the gear, when out of the three pillars it has the worst BIS gear you can attain for the gameplay you want to play. Raiders get BIS and PvPers get BIS but M+ers get dog %%%% and yet they’ll concern-troll saying we M+ for gear, lol.

Finally someone gets it. Mythic + is horrible on ppl with axiety issues.


I have a question. What did people do before m+ existed?

Actually, I was the one who’d said that to Kennie :smiley: I run way, way more dungeon material in FFXIV, and we aren’t doing the old school crawls in there either. The main difference is that if someone wants to enjoy a dungeon in FFXIV, it’s never a big deal. Often, others will chat with you about what went on and everything. I usually dislike re-running dungeons immediately after I finish them, but in FFXIV, I will on occasion.

In WoW, shortcuts, skips, zero dungeon interaction. THAT’S what I hate. Truly, truly hate. I awakened a Venthyr beast once in a dungeon, you’d think I kidnapped a child. Blizzard puts a lot into their dungeons, and you can’t even find a group that wants to experience and explore them anymore. THAT is what sucks. Two dungeons in WoW a week feels like a chore anymore. People used to be fun here.


I don’t like this thing = This thing is the worst thing to ever happen.

Typical internet nowadays.

That’s like saying “General Discussion” is the worst thing to ever happen to wow. Hmmmm, maybe it is.

Raided, bg’s, gathering mats or gold to get ready for raids. Some even played arena’s. Others had a life outside of WoW.

Heroic dungeons and old raids was also ran too for badges.

No timed content to create needless pressure.


Sorry but your opinion is wrong.

In your opinion OP. Many people love M+.

I don’t mind the timer, but then again i also enjoy greater rifts and competing against the timer.

They quit the game, like I did.

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I have anxiety issues and it’s not a big deal to me. There will always be more keys, more opportunities. That one key isn’t life or death.

I disagree. I think the problem is Bobby Kotick, with his continued failure to grasp what players in any of his games want that would keep them playing, his continued faith in the idea that esports is the salvation of the company, and the people he has hired to carry out his vision.

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Then your anxiety isn’t in a area where it’s an issue.

Ppl with true anxiety issues can stop them from functioning currectly and causes them undue stress.

timer, nerf on gear drop and old dungeon rotation was bad change to m+

leave old dungeons in time walking.

I’m diagnosed moderate to severe anxiety and take medication for it. Good on you for minimizing my health condition though. Bravo, really.

Rolled alts! Did the grind and ran stuff over until sated, then did it again! It was great!
Sounds familiar doesn’t it?
Kind of ironic how current WoW is not only brazenly alt unfriendly, but indoctrinates people into the mindless, pointless, toxic grind that is M+. Polar opposite of the game in its halcyon era.


Do you mean when you spent multiple nights/week per character farming raid?

Ya those times were way different! /s

I filled my vault the last two weeks and didnt get an upgrade out of it. On the plus side, now i have sockets on gear that didnt have sockets.

Mythic+ is actually the only thing that is alt friendly.