Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

“Hey guys your favorite content is toxic garbage cesspool blah blah blah”

“Hey why did you respond hostilely to what I said about your favorite content”

pikachu face

Which I probably would have, had this not been what you said:

You showed you have an unreasoning hatred for it, you want it gone despite how many people love it as a form of content, you evidently severely misunderstand the content, and yet you’re asking me to rationally defend something you (seem to) irrationally hate?

Nah. Go pound sand.

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Man the amount of anecdotes being shared as facts in the thread is very high.

You are very welcome to do it untimed as well.
There is nothing preventing you from doing so.

Weren’t you screaming about people making biased claims without sources earlier in this thread? In which case, I assume you have a source handy for this claim. Would love to see it.

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Yeah and I’m sure my group would love me for that.

Don’t we miss out on loot or something if we don’t time it correctly?

I don’t like being timed. It adds stress. Even if there’s “plenty of time,” the timer makes things more stressful.

I didn’t like Majora’s Mask, and I don’t like the timer in M+. Completion of the content should be the only metric. If you do it, you get rewarded. Even if you struggle on a boss and wipe a few times, you should get your upgraded key for completing the run at all.

Think about it this way: How does it make sense that spending more time in an MMO should result in less reward?


Because the timer is what creates the difficulty. If the timer is gone, all decision making required flies out the window. With a timer present the tank needs to determine the size of pulls based on their own CDs, as well as, loosely, the CDs of their DPS and healers. Healers and DPS also need to determine when the best times to use their CDs are, though the answer to that is generally just on CD, for DPS at least.

With no timer, every pull gets lucky charmed to death and every CD is reset by waiting between pulls. Spending more time trivializes M+.


Get rid of the timer, I’m still looking at the DPS meters.

Nope, you still get the loot at the end. And you still get the loot in your Vault.

I might actually take you up on this! I really miss doing content and KNOWING people in it might make it more fun. The current plan is to power gear my monk then Pray™

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This really resonates with me. I’d really like to see an RP version mode of the game take hold. I was hoping Shadowlands would do that, but competitive players did all in their power to shoot that down and skip the parts of dungeons with it.

It made dungeon runs for me pretty terrible this expansion. I’ve been in the Maldraxxi dungeons a number of times, and I have almost no clue what their stories are. People got mad at my Paladin using Venthyr stuff in Venthyr dungeons, so I don’t even bother with any runs now.

Some of the talk around M+ makes me wonder why I remain in WoW, honestly. Just reading several of the comments and attitudes in here continues to warn me away from it.

Like, I love deep RPG aspects and immersion, and I want to have fun and do covenant / class specific stuff while I’m in dungeons, but I also like to make characters stronger as well. Wacky, I know.

I lurk M+ topics, to see if there’s a way I can get in and just do my thing, and maybe make a friend or two, so I can get my guild hopping again. However, it always looks like I’ll have to sacrifice immersion and fun in order to even do a dungeon in WoW anymore. I don’t want to be running content full speed, in an arcade tournament mindset, just to get a piece of gear in an RPG.


That was every dungeon experience in classic/TBC. I mean some people enjoyed ccing 5/6 of the mobs every pack and slowly press 1 button till you killed them all one at a time.

That to me is not engaging game play and I’d go as far as saying it’s a complete snooze fest.

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I’d say that the way we run dungeons currently is just as non-engaging, and an equally boring style of play. A balance between the two may be enjoyable, but as it stands now, even pugs try to run dungeons as if they’re competing for $5,000 in front of an audience.

Also, it really feels to me that some classes are being leeched of aesthetic flair and class fantasy because of M+ as well. It feels as if we may as well ask for numerical style Transmogs, since those seem to be the only things that matter.

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…what pugs are you doing? 98% of the pugs I run with pull 2 packs at a time on average, with the occassional triple pull. Some pull 1 pack at a time. I’ve seen 1 or 2 tanks do mass MDI pulls, and they were 3000 io tanks blasting a +2 for valor.


How? I feel like runs are super chill now.

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The ol’ “I can imagine it happening; so it must happen” pug maybe

The only gripe I have with it is a community problem, not a blizzard problem, and that is that 90% of people are looking for players who are WAY over qualified for their key. Last night I was trying to do some fives, FIVES, on tyrannical dungeons that I don’t have a score on yet to get my score up, and it took me over an hour of applying to every 5 or 6 I saw to get a run. People treat low level keys like they’re 15s, it’s ridiculous.

I get why people want overqualified people in their group, but it’s a deterrent to me.

Maybe it’s lazy thinking and wildly unpopular but I’d like a feature where based on your .io and your ilvl you can click a LFG button and it places you in a dungeon much like normal and heroic works.

Maybe have a toggle. Either Autojoin groups or traditional pick and choose. All I care about are +2s. Maybe >14 doesn’t have the option.

But I too sat in an endless hour cycle of declines or full then gave up. I only have sometimes 2 hours or fewer to play. The vault has been lost on me this entire expansion.

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

Standard dungeon runs, no mythics involved. Occasionally a heroic or two if I want to get something. I used to prefer to tank, but I’m sick of hearing of shortcuts, so I just heal if I ever bother with a dungeon these days.

Last Plaguefall I tanked, some demon hunter did his damndest to run ahead to make sure we took some path or something, and got himself killed. The group lead kicked him, as we weren’t even at Glob. Cue six minutes of him whispering us how he was going to report us, and how we wouldn’t be able to finish the run without him.

That wasn’t a bad run, that was just funny as hell :smiley:

The last Spires run I pug tanked? THAT was terrible. Two of the DPS demanding to do it their way, the healer pissed because I wanted to tank the whole thing, one of the first DPS type shouting commands for Devos. It was only heroic, and there wasn’t a single death.

I haven’t tanked since that run. I used to come to the forums to see what I was missing, but the prevailing attitude for doing dungeons and raids is so off-putting. Why would I even WANT to do M+ ? Most of you don’t even sound like you’re having actual fun, you’re just stoked on the gear!

A guy in this thread, an M+ fan, summarized it better than I, so I’ll quote him here:

There’s a lot that I like about WoW still, and a lot that I’d like to see out of it. Parts of Dragonflight looks pretty good, but my Paladin doesn’t feel like a Paladin anymore, and I suspect it’s because he’s ‘primed for M+’, because his fun and cool factor is long gone. Even mentioning you like RPG aspects wins you a storm of crap from people asking ‘what do you even DO in the game, lolololol!1!’ Some people in these forums don’t even respond to your posts directly, so it’s like ‘why am I posting here?’

I’m guessing I should just be done with WoW now. Blizzard isn’t dropping any pure RPG aspects anytime soon, without riling up the people who don’t like it. I’ve been the last of my guild for the past several years anyway. Just need to find a way to do a clean break.

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I tend to agree. Dungeons were meant to be part of the leveling experience and Raids were meant to be top tier end game. No dungeon should ever hand out items that surpass what a raid does. I think we should just have normal and heroic versions of each, and leave it at that. I don’t buy into the idea of continually increasing difficulty, whether it Mythic+ or those rifts in DIII. There needs to be a “end” to an expansion.

Of course, this is only my opinion and not a very popular one.