Mythic + is the worst thing that ever happened to the game

This is a fundamental truth about WoW: People who hold extremely negative opinions about certain forms of content usually do so because they are terrible at that content.

OP, and many of the people who are extremely anti-mythic + are usually pretty awful at it.


I mean, you are the one who cant read.

Bruh no one believes you work anywhere but a fast food join considering you cant even read where GD means General Discussion was explained to you.

I was never kicked from the very few m+ groups I did run when m+ was first implemented, I just hate m+ with a passion.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:


People that do M+ are usually doing it instead of complaining about how they can’t get into a group.

It is the most casual friendly and time efficient content Blizzard has ever implemented and it absolutely baffles me how some people struggle with it.

Get a +2 key let sweats carry you - repeat

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I dont even know who you are.

I’d say class design has way more to do with rushing easy content than anything else.

Tanks are almost entirely self sufficient, dps are way more aoe oriented and healers don’t have to babysit the tank anywhere near as much as back when dungeons weren’t rushed.

M+ in 2-15s (where most players are, and 15s is only a subset) have trash requirements, painful mechanics and affixes preventing you from just aoe spamming entire rooms down unless you’re the top 1%. Most runs I and many others would experience are just your standard 1 pull at a time and maybe double pull if we have cds and want some spice.

What do you see in queued content like levelling dungeons/heroics? No trash requirements, meaningless mechanics, no affixes. People aoe whole rooms down or just walk on by because there’s no punishment for doing so.

So tell me, how does content that most players take slow and steady, with trash that has to be respected (when you’re pushing keys at your level) and punishments for skipping/multipulling have an effect on content that has none of that?

This is why I don’t understand people complaining about timers. As long as you’re not asleep you can time a 15 by pulling one pull at a time and doing dps that was possible in season 1/2 gear. You can even die 10-20 times and it’ll probably just turn it from a 2* to a 1*.

Heck, you can reach the final boss at 95% trash and go back and kill more later, I’ve never seen anyone complain.

As an experiment I got my +2 key on my 268 mage and listed it myself to see how far I could level it without encountering toxicity. It’s a 16 now, all of the groups were smooth sailing. Funny, that.


Both of these arguments are straw mans.

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Crying about fomo is the ultimate strawman by bad players.


Ion literally stayed it’s not for everyone…then here my two cents if that’s the case take it out and make it. A stand alone game…then…for real!!!’s not rocket science…he just slapped 89,%of the player base faces!!!

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Another straw man, keep em coming lol.


Another logical fallacy in action here.

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Proving what point? Calling a piece of content a ton of people enjoy the source of problems this game has always had is obviously going to attract negative responses. People enjoy the content.

Anecdotal and without absolutely a shred of evidence to it, therefore irrelevant.

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Translation as “I don’t have an argument against what Snozy is saying”

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Your original post that kicked off was nothing but one giant logical fallacy. The fact that you don’t think gamers experience fomo, especially in online games is a real head scratcher.

You were trying to equate people having fomo with people being terrified or having the kind of fear people suffer when faced with extenuating circumstances.

It was interesting trying to see you twist the narrative with your ad hominem attacks.

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The majority of people cant even use Fomo correctly.

If you have a fear of missing out while gaming you have some deep issues.


People have fomo for all kinds of things mate. Fomo in gaming is like one of the main things gaming companies exploit to get you to buy lootboxes and limited time cosmetics.

Having fomo in a videogame is normal human behavior.

It is funny watching you make excuses through this entire thread trying to make cover for your silly ad hominem attacks. You need to educate yourself on basic human behaviors mate.


I bet there’s a weak aura that hides the timer and you can turn off your chat. No timer no toxicity.

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It is not your negativity that proves my point, it is your rude and toxic response that does.

“I happen to disagree, because (list reasons without vitriol or sarcasm).” Would have been a much better response, and likely taken much more seriously.

Semper Fi! :us: :ukraine:

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M+ is the best thing that ever happened to the game.