Mythic+ insecurity

Oof, imagine typing that up and thinking “Yes, this will speak to people”.

I usually look for around or above io players to myself. If a mage with 100 io higher than me signs up and a mage with 200 io higher than me signs up, I’m taking the 200 higher io mage. It just makes sense.


Yes, makes perfect sense once one thinks upon it.

I like your edit of OP. Sorry for my snarky reply. No hard feelings. :slight_smile:

nice ego
did you get carried because you’re a mage? inflated io?

Mages are easy to come by. They probably already had one.

Gonna bank on the group leader being one actually

Pretty much yeah. Majority of leads are dps and mage being FOTM a good amount are probably mages

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Reject modern medicine.

Embrace dying from an infection at the ripe old age of 29.

I’m starting to tank with this toon, and a friend is starting to heal as a holy, we started a griup today as Tank and Healer a +6 and in less than 1 minute there were more than 10 applicants, we had chosen one Shaman that would bring Lust, and then sticked with higher ilvl and then better IO, even tho i don’t have a good IO myself.

Seems like there is some pretty hard feelings there champ. You a bit bumhurt you got declined for a key? its ok so are half the people here you can open up with us.

i decline higher io to my keys because alot of you apes leave after 1 screw up

rather take that guy who needs it for ksm or something not like ima miss the timer as i only pug 1 person(a dps) anyway

Seriously don’t get how/why people take declines personally :woman_shrugging:

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I would be if I were making a post like this with no +15s timed.

Popped off with that attitude, I wouldn’t invite you either. I don’t care how impressive you think your IO score is.

  1. you sound insecure, not the person who declined you.
  2. you’re a dps, you gotta realize that 2390845239 dps queue up, and a lead can only choose up to 3, thus the likelihood that you are to be chosen and/or the highest io rated player who queued up is low.
  3. seeing your profile, your score is garbage.
  4. you’re on Moonguard, so that’s a instant decline right there, just like a player from Ragnaros/Quel’thalas.

Yeah, I definitely feel this. I was in a group full of high IO people but a low IO tank in an 9 I think. He was doing decent and going at his own pace, but the higher IO people kept tagging more and more to him and we’d wipe. Often times the higher io people would die before the tank could even get the aggro on the new packs.

You could be the best m+ player in the world and be insecure. You clearly are insecure. That doesnt mean you’re bad at the game. Confident people don’t boast their accomplishments or condescend to others because you have done more than them. Especially when it’s concerning a video game. Grow up. Cheers.

My M+ insecurity goes the other direction. I’ve had so many groups where no one dodges or kicks that I genuinely have trouble making myself apply to anything above 7ish. I know, “Who cares, you’ll never see them again”, but for some reason I get really nervous when I look for higher keys.

You remind me of the two guys I had in my group arguing, and 1 of them was using his “IO” as reason why he’s right, and telling the other guy “he doesn’t listen to 100 IO lower trash”.

Get real mate.

I’d say they did themselves a favor, you sound preeeetty toxic.

This is actually why I do it. I don’t play with people that is too ahead of me in ilvl or io.

I had a few times. They often behave as if they are making me a favor to join my party, as if they know better than everyone and as if they are carrying us.

Even when they do not behave like that, they are likely to want to try stuff I can’t really keep up with.

So yeah, making me and you a favor. That is not insecurity, that is just putting together a group that won’t devolve into name calling because of differing expectations.

Insecurity is posting an immature rant like yours because you were declined to a group.