M+ is the best and most poplar form of endgame content of any MMO, ever.
You don’t like it. Either you’re niche opinion and echo chamber have deluded you into thinking you speak for other people or you simply don’t understand the appeal.
It’s ok if you have a group of friends to do them with. Pugging can be the most miserable thing to do. I basically skipped last season except a few keys because of it. But I need to upgrade my gear, I didn’t like having my ilvl and damage be lower because I didn’t upgrade my gear fully last season. My gear was 4/6 and I could tell a significant difference in my damage unfortunately.
I would argue that M+ is not an average casual thing to do. From my experience, anyone in WoW who says they are “casual” mostly focus on questing and farming achieves/mounts.
Counterpoint: M+ is widely popular and allows many players to make meaningful progress and progression without sticking to a strict raiding schedule.
Players can sign up or start a M+ group whenever they have the time or want to do so. Playing with a couple friends who are online in a 5 man setting is a desirable experience for so many people.
I like M+ so much that I would be fine if mythic raiding ceased to exist. In fact, the only time I’m not having fun in WoW is when I have to do a raid just to get trinkets for M+.
Waiting a couple hrs to get into a group sucks. At least give us an option to queue like in normal and heroic dungeons. If my friends did keys the same time I was on, it wouldn’t be such a problem. But damn the wait miserable!
I hear this all the time lol. But everytime I put up my own key it takes forever to get people to fill it, or someone ruins my key. It’s just as bad waiting to join someone else’s key.
Respectfully, If you’re waiting hours to get into a single group, you’re doing something wrong. Or perhaps this was hyperbole?
Sure, sometimes it’s decline decline decline, when solo queuing on a dps. Persistence is king here. It’s a numbers game, and there are a lot of dps signing up.
Refresh the search frequently and try to catch a group that was just posted, with a tank or healer already in the group.
The other solution, as I have discovered, is to do your best to stay ahead of the curve.
If you push hard in the first week, when most have a score of 800-1000 … if you can have a score of 1500, you’ll get A LOT more invites.
So that in week2, when most have a score of 1500-1700, you should have a score of 2000. You should be able to get into groups without too much trouble.
By week 3, with a 2200+ score … the rest of the Season won’t be too bad. Still nothing like a class that actually has something to offer, like Lust or a Brez, or cookies or something.
But staying ahead of the curve is really the only thing you can do as a Warrior. Just make sure to push your score in week1. Sucks but… better that and set yourself up for the rest of the Season than stand around waiting for the next 14-16 weeks.
There’s no right answer tbh, it’s going to take a bit to find the right people for your key and you have to be choosey about who you invite. It doesn’t help that at this point anyone who knows what they’re doing (tanks and healers specifically) are doing higher keys, which leaves pugging below +10 kind of difficult.