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zehn Zeichen
Are you a Ranged DPS player looking for a guild? Well we are a guild looking for Ranged DPS! Stop on by and reach out to us.
Still Recruiting for 9.1
Recruiting for all Roles!
ten characters
Recruitment is open for any and all roles! Please inquire for a spot to raid in 9.1!
Post updated to reflect current recruitment needs
Open to recruiting any and all mythic minded raiders
10 characters
You need a guild for 9.1? We need raiders
Still Actively Recruiting!
Need Healers and RDPS!!!
Still need some solid Healers and RDPS as well as a DH!
Solid Healers and a Demon Hunter would be nice. If you’re a mage that likes to pop off hit us up as well!
ten characters
Recruiting Restoration Shaman and Rogue for Heroic and Mythic Sanctum of Domination. Come join us!
Need a solid Lock?
Need a Resto Shaman and a Rogue for Mythic SoD!!!
Still need R Shaman and Rogue!