Mythic+ Dungeons Temporarily Disabled

Seems legit not sure why they would deactivate them :~)

Sorb just went ALL-IN!!!

Well, I mean yes. But if it’s like their first timethey shouldn’t be banned that’s what im trying to say

Ursoc has joined the party.


I’m unimpressed by this now that I know how it was done. I mean that’s like 45sec a load screen.


Hopefully Blizzard is aware that some people still lower their keys the old way (leaving their group, entering dungeon, activating key, leaving dungeon, resetting instance, key is now 1 level lower). Those who lowered their key in this manner instead timed the key and increased its level +3. It’s one thing to ban those who did this a bunch of times but someone wanting to lower say… a 23 down to a 20 is another. Hopefully Blizzard understands this and doesn’t ban every player that was attempting to lower their key. Of course, someone who took advantage of the glitch after they noticed their key increased should receive a temp ban at the very least.


he did 3 dungeons with it, he knew what he was doing. a 25 a 28 and that 31.


Yeah, that’s no accident.

I won’t say the exploit here, idk if that’s bannable.

But a solo bear “cleared” the highest key by 3 chesting a 25 a 28 and 31.

Perma his account. Not the random nobody that accidently did it once is I’m assuming the point.


And that poor feast, going to waste

This has ruined my life

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I would love for someone exploiting something like this to get a ban. To continue to do more dungeons exploiting it is uncalled for.

Yeah doing it once maaaaaaaaaybe twice and then realizing hey this broken.

Vs the guy that couldn’t resist doing it to get the highest key. Literally perma the account and put out a blue post saying perma bans went out.

Hoping they are activated again soon. Was just about to do a key to get ksm before they were disabled.

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Oh that’ll go well for Blizzard.

Come on it has been a hour. Kinda be nice to play the game.

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You should fix the problem then!

That seems a bit extreme for something that I imagine would be easy to roll back.

Especially since I thought there are people who exploited for titles and didn’t get punished.

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The new dungeon is overtuned and borderline unplayable, maybe disable that too while you’re at it


You gonna fix the Allied races any time soon?