These changes are to help 0.01% achieve higher io in those dungeons. They hardly matter for mole people who’s main issues are overlaping mechanics, interrupts, stops, defensive CDs, certain tank and healer classes having harder time to encounter the above, etc… etc…
they can’t. they’re not allowed to buff things.
do you see a single buff on the list?
If u didnt ‘tune tanks’ and change CCs you would not be in this ‘perpetual tunning cycle’. Lost in changing things by2% at a time meanwhile players are burned out already from keys. Buff tanks back, undo ccs stop wasting season time. Oh btw ty for showing brewmaster monks some attention. GO DEV TEAM GO!
It’s too late and needed to happen 1-2 months ago. Somehow Grim Batol is not on the list, these massive heal absorb curses. Nor the poisons that get spammed from those crawlers at the start of Ara-kara.
They are nerfing these dispels and tankbusters because they were out of control. They were top 3 problems on M+ for basically everyone and everyone agreed it was 2 months late.
High hopes to break the meta you created.
I think no matter how hard they try at least half the people are still going to be dissatisfied and have complaints.
Retail used to be THE wow that points the way.
I feel like retail is being abandonned, getting changes when things are going bad.
Balacing rounds are few and far between.
Guilds have already exploded because of both the wall of ovinax and silken court.
As a guild we have completed the CE this past wednesday to a … relief. No happiness, nothing but relief.
At what cost?
Six of my players are burned out and stopped the game. This is a loss for us, it is always sad to see friends go but it is a loss for the game. How many have stopped?
As someone that recruits and been recruiting for many years, I see the same pattern of players from guilds disapearing at ovinax and court. Good for us I guess, but what a sad testament of the state of wow retail.
I dont have the answers but a lot of players are not finding mythic+ fun this season and raiding is uninspiring, especially reclearing.
Why is this that the raid difficulty is so high even for reclear. Saw Echo, one of the world top 2 guilds, wipe on court and queen, on reclear? In what world is reclear has become a chore instead of just a fun time to just blast bosses (for the rest of us I mean)? This is what guilds should be doing after finishing the raid. As is, no one wants a headache.
I really loved Queen mythic, less so silken court, but the idea to take new blood and reprogress these is an issue for a lot of guilds.
Sorry for the rambling, wow retail needs a lot more than tweaks of mythic+ at the end of the season.
That Ara Kara boss doesn’t work unless DPS legit peel off the boss and manage the adds. One hundred % of the time I die on that boss because I have no puddle to run to and then if I do get stuck, everyone just ignores the add. It’s hard for me to find adds to attack while simultaneously trying to keep everyone alive and not die myself.
Healers don’t have time anymore to do mechanics that require them to stop healing that isn’t a full blown intermission phase. Blizzard doesn’t play the game so they have no clue about this drastic, catastrophic design failure.
Lol that is 100% a skill issue.
I hope you’re trolling.
(Slightly) better late (and inadequate) than never?
GrimBim heal absorb curse isn’t on that list. HOW ABOUT TURNING SOME OF THIS CRAP INTO MAGIC DEBUFFS INSTEAD. Or better yet, use giga developer brains and remember that oh yeah we’ve designed some debuffs to be all types so that every dps with a dispel can deal with them, maybe that should be used more often???
Anima Slash is still going to murder brewmasters.
I think part of that is because – while we’ve been waiting for changes – a lot of us have seen our friends stop playing, and getting people to return to the same season & dungeon pool after they’ve decided to leave is harder than just keeping them playing.
Major dungeon and crest tuning like this late in the season just comes across as them trying to stubbornly stick to their vision instead of act on feedback, so yeah it will rub people the wrong way when they are the only person online anymore in their circle.
98% of the feedback from the community is garbage. People stop playing as the season progresses because they’ve hit their goals and are waiting for the next one to hit their personal goals again. The majority of players don’t care about pushing their RIO as high as they can get. They want to hit either KSM, KSH or get all portals and then they’re done, or just do 1-8 +10s a week for a mythic track reward. It’s completely natural and anyone who tries to point to this as an inherent flaw in M+ just looks dumb.
The problem is that currently M+ is not really fun, and the sad thing is that content creators have been saying this since before the release of the expansion, but the devs knew better i guess.
So for the future, at the launch of an expansion, make it “crazy” fun. See, when there is no hype (and there wasnt with regards to how M+, tanking and healing was looking), no hype. When major content creators are trying to figure out how to cope, how it can still be… maybe “okay”, that should be a colossal red flag- not to be ignored. I mean huge, think about it, the people who make their living off of the games success, who are clearly biased and want to make it look good and work, who cannot really completely openly express their opinion, negative opinion anyways- these were the people who found it punishing, annoying, not fun, stressful etc etc.
The recent influx of them trying to breath life back into M+ has been hilarious to me.
Because after the monumental high that was DF season 3, it has been an uphill slog ever since.
Everyone at least agreed that the rate of gear upgrades in S3 was too fast, and that could be slowed down a bit. Nothing too crazy, but a bit.
Blizzard heard that and decided, gear upgrades not only needed to be glacial, but the dungeons needed to be harder, tanks and healers needed to be nerfed just, and the affixes more annoying if they were going to add a kiss/curse to them. And are now shocked that people have dropped off M+ as hard as they did.
When all they had to do was slow down the gear upgrades lol.