Mythic Dungeon International Cup 2 is On

Many people enjoy it actually

Got any information to back this up other than your anecdotal experiences?

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No one cares


He’s right… many people enjoy it… the many that have nothing else to watch on YouTube hahaha

50k people watching the MDI is just sad. Asmongold averages double that at times for mount offs and transmog comps. E-sports in a MMO is just cringe


To me, that’s 50k people that literally have nothing else to watch haha. But yeah it is pretty low. IMO wow is not a esport game… and by trying to make it into one, it has created a very toxic community. Wow should be a fun game that’s relaxing with relaxing progression.

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This was the strength of WoW for over a decade. For some reason the current developers, either by their design or directed by the higher ups started skewing the game towards a highly competitive environment. I hate retail WoW and what it has turned into with a passion.

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It’s driven by $$$$$ corporate greed. They wanted to make it into esport thinking it would generate a lot of revenue and pretty much free publicity. For example look at how much Dota 2 or LoL makes with their esport tourney. They were hoping to do that with pretty much all their games.

The problem with doing this on mmo… game has a long term progression to get certain gear and etc to be top. All the true esport games, it’s always a reset to start and build up each round. CS, Dota 2, LoL, even starcraft 2… these games all reset the player to base level per round. How the heck do you do a esport where gear is rng, character is unbalanced, and map settings has rng


Is MDI the reason you guys take so long to balance this mess?


Tin foil hat… balance and loot is a issue they fix in patch. Isn’t it a track record that blizzard gets praised for fixing a problem they created? Happens all the time.

I don’t like MDI.

It is dumb.


/yawn more wow e-sports


if mdi isnt going to go away, and those in it are only going to be the most meta of meta comps, there should be a seperate tier each season for running comps using the un/under-represented classes and specs.
watching run after run after run of the (Mostly) same comps for every team gets old and just reinforces community toxicity towards anyone who Isnt playing those specs.
if there were seperate bracket for the underdog specs, these uppercrust players in mdi could show off that they can also be viable alternatives. maybe not as beast as the absolute ridiculous outliers, but viable and even competetive if played properly

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So who won Cup 2 –
the NE team or the NE team?

Let me guess, dh tank then boomy and fire mage and perhaps a ww or two sprinkled in for dps.

So nice! I appreciate how doubt this MDI has also indicated a lot of the issues within these dungeon.

Huge commendations to Perplexed, tight pulls and pull it off so well. Ton gargons and double pride done in 4 minutes. Absolute insanity!

Hrmm comps for day 3 started with UDK/WW/fire/vdh/priest

Well I was more than half right then. Nice to see a UDK in there.

UDK has been in day 2 and 1 it’s a pop pick because of the strong ST and MT burst (big burst every minute).

Well that’s great then isn’t it, ill just add udk into the meta for mdi. Everytime I popped in there was a boomy in the group, granted I only popped in a few times.