Mythic+ Dungeon Improvements Coming in Dragonflight Season 4

Overall, very great change in terms of difficult and reward structure. This should ensure more players are willing to step a toe into mythic+ going forward.

What I would also like to address is twink friendliness. Currently, it is a very unrewarding experience to twink, esp. in terms of time commitment. There should exist systems that make twinks a lot faster in all aspects (“crest”) of gearing once a main reached a certain bucket (ilvl and rating) so it is easier to catch up and have the freedom to swap mains without spending days/weeks to catch up to your main esp. if the season is progressed for several weeks.

I mentioned a while ago in the following thread a fairly “easy” solution how a fix to this could look like:

Also, please consider:

  • getting rid of the penalty for crest when not timing a key → it only creates a toxic environment and feels like wasted time.
  • upping the amount for finishing a key from 12 to 15 to match one upgrade (it doesn’t have to fit the 8 dungeons vault slot, imho. - esp. if you no longer need them)
  • adding long-term stretch goals besides KSM and title - where players can work towards even if they never reach a title or KSM similar to the curious coins you gained in legion for doing dungeon content. This will ensure ppl can stick more to the content and don’t quit m+ early. - A similar reward system should also exist for PvP imo.