Mythic 0 Changes are ridiculous

if m0s last season were fun i think heroics rn are probably comparable to how challenging they were pre-rework

They’re still faceroll and I learned nothing from the 3 I did last night before trying a Mythic 0. It was just the tank running ahead and everyone else following barely doing anything.

presenting opinions as facts. keep it coming.

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Then your point really isn’t valid.

Dragonflight M0s were insanely easy and the Heroics could be done week 1 blindfolded by a team of five orangutans.


Current heroic is practically the old mythic but without any mythic only mechanic implemented in the heroic difficulty. But hey these people will say anything to change the narrative.



i do think they need to narrow the gap between m0 and heroics but then we’d get a flood of people going “heroics are too hard???”


playing the victim. so does anyone have a logical fallacy bingo card?

I blocked them. Very obviously trolling.

Or they could just change it back?

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Or try to learn the new way of doing things since mythic 0 doesn’t have any timers.

You mean just like in Cataclysm?

That should’ve proven beyond any shadow of a doubt that nobody actually wants this content to be challenging, but folks tend to have short memory spans. We’re about to see history repeat itself when the actual amoebas that make up the Classic playerbase get farmed nonstop by the Cata 5-mans because they require players to use three brain cells instead of just one.

Didn’t you just say you didn’t play the previous tiers?

I guess they could create something in between. Maybe Heroic + or something silly like that.

Essentially, a farmable dungeon level that gives LFR quality gear since M0 - +6 gives normal raid quality

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i sympathize with people who now find they dont have a sweet spot for dungeon difficulty, but ive seen so many identical arguments where its like

just keep trying? either be in easy content or get the reps in so m0 doesnt feel insurmountable.

you said in your op that hard =/= fun, so normals and heroics are surely a blast

i was thinking that because as it stands the steps in difficulty arent even
i and some others hypothesize that they can only buff heroic so much because its queued

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Currently heroic offers equivalent mythic gears of previous seasons.

I’m gonna let you think about this reply. Hopefully it comes to you.

I’ve never been sure how much of the player base actually enjoys difficulty. I always figured it must be the majority because WoW keeps getting harder.

“Harder” you do know higher level of mythic are for bragging rights.

to compare to another game i play (virtually no one will get this reference)

i rarely play sims 2 with cheats on because it becomes too easy, and thus not fun. i have 2-3 toddlers at once because it makes me want to rip my hair out but its rewarding when i get past it

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Whats your point?

Also, you are forgetting that upgrading S4 heroic gear to S3 mythic ilvl will take weeks because of the flightstone requirement and crest cap. At best, you can upgrade 2 items to 489 per week

You do get gear progression out of it, which is why I assume most people feel pulled to try it even if they don’t like difficulty.

MMO players like to see those stat numbers go up.