My thoughts on why wow the pvp community is dwindling

This is very dismissive. While toxicity is on the rise in gaming, I think we need to look at why it’s especially pervasive in WoW’s PVP space.

It isn’t good. A lot of people complain about the participation but the toxicity is certainly a factor behind lower participation.

It’s really on us to reflect on our behavior and how we speak to each other. I think cleaning up the forums would be a good starting point.

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can we also add that healing is not fun at all? I dont have much counter to my teammates dying in under 1 second or a DH/warr tunneling me/my team the whole game until i oom within 3 minutes because I am 1600 gear against their 1950 gear lol.

This whole xpac of pvp is just screwed. it was nice in the first 3 months of s1 before everyone was fully geared and the gaps of power were noticeable.

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Did they not press their buttons

Not true. This is what you are running into though. I have 12 lvl 60s, all of them DPS and can find groups. The issue is there are just WAY MORE dps than heals so you will always find groups faster as heals right now.

I am not a fan when people say this. While playing games is something that helps, there are other things that play a part in improving. Knowledgeable teammates, a person’s ability to improve etc. Everyone has a ceiling. But there are other factors as well. Seen it many times.

I mean they way PvP is set up right now with gearing etc, it’s not. Not to mention the PvP player base was already small, and now is even smaller with the place the game is in. But there are communities out there that are player friendly. Just got to find them. I am a leader in one of them. If you are interested feel friend to message me. Mhorti#1572 is my bnet tag.

I actually think this is false. My experience is always way more positive than negative. The issue is the toxic people are always the loudest and get the most attention. Just like anything on the internet negative gets the most attention/focus/clicks.

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I agree with you. Having played Xbox live when it first was released I def do not think gaming today is more toxic than what stuff like that was 15 plus years ago.

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I agree but also think that there are too few tutorials in the game honestly, which surely contributes. In the last 2 days I’ve been levelling a mage just because I’m super super casual these days and just chill in levelling dungeons with the BF. In the last 2 days I’ve had to teach 20+ people (this is not an exaggeration I swear) how to use the /i instance chat, let alone kicks, CCs, positioning (basic stuff, like don’t just walk into a group of elite mobs if you’re not the tank). I’ve only been bothering to teach these basics to people who are level 40+, simply because they should know these by now.

I realised I’ve never seen a message on a loading screen explaining the different chat channels, there isn’t much education on any aspect in the game provided by Blizzard honestly. There is the basic tutorial Exiles Reach, of course, this seems inadequate though. I struggle to have fun even while knowing how CC + DRs work, positioning, Cooldown matching etc, how does an entirely new player (who might not have the benefit of playing with an experienced player who can teach them) enjoy PvP?

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I’m pretty sure landing a jet on an aircraft carrier is easier than healing in arena.

I honestly think we don’t have enough player engagement on the forums from the players we need feedback from. People try PVP, it doesn’t go well and then they quit at some point.

The same PVP’ers have been controlling the outcome of PVP design for multiple years and those players cater to what works for them, and not always what’s the best direction to attract or grow the player base.

I also think we need to be more open to ideas and posts from others, less negativity to forum feedback.

It takes some people courage to post on the forums and we should be kinder to them when they post and just grateful they are engaging.

There is already enough trolls on these forums who I believe work for the competition, and that is hurting our progress with blizzard more than anything.

I’ve seen this for myself. When I comment on a YouTube video with a change suggestion I get more likes and positive feedback, when I post the same idea on the forums I get some of the most bizarre troll replies I’ve ever seen in any video game.


Amen. Can’t stress enough that we need to hear lower rated players concerns and not be dismissive of them.

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It’s because you have to be subbed to post here. People who quit the game can’t post their feedback or opinions. Only addicts and masochists remain.

10000000000%. Thank you. These players are the most important at the end of the day.

from the perspective of a returning player from just mid last season (me) I started at 215 ilvl (226 was max in s1), switched cov cause of nerf/buffs and am at 35/80 renown, 220ilvl and I already want to quit again, lol

i’d say the problem is the catchup grind. I just want to login and pvp but my build is mad gimped and the catchup is just a daily grind unless I forgo bis covenant stuff. I did get 1400 in 1 day solo with trash gear but I can imagine if I hit ~1600-1800 bracket I will just be focusing on gear upgrades.

The uncapped CQ and new ranking system is good though for sure, but I can’t see myself lasting a full month esp with next season coming.

I can agree with this statement…last season was my first retail experience and I struggled to get 1400, tunneling so hard on everything, a lot of it was learning but way too much pressure on gear upgrades and trying to win. This season I resubbed for luls from boredom and queue’d 2s with trash gear (215 ilvl) and got 1400 in a day. Was just chill. Maybe it’s also just easier cause there’s a lot of newer players in 2’s but 1400-1600 2’s last season was literal aids esp if you weren’t as experienced.

This 1000%

I started only joining or listing “chill games,” and it was great because I’ve gotten so many reps in and pushed rival on 3 toons since the pressure just isn’t there. Most of the time my teammates will talk about what we did in losses right after too.

My biggest problem is getting tunnel vision and not using my addons to my full advantage. I’ve missed ooms and trinket uses and DRs and CDs multiple times, but I’m getting better.

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I struggle with that stuff a lot. I think once my positioning and enemy CD use/what they have to use awareness gets better I’ll improve a lot. But Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Glad your season is going well buddy. :smiley:

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You’re exactly right. I’m focused on having fun and progress. I wish I had a weak aura alert to check my add ons like every 15 seconds that I could practice in skirms with lol.

Thank you! It’s been a really fun one. I’ve never learned to play rogue/mage somehow, so I think that might be my next goal.

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There’s just too much pre-requisites when I can go play Guild Wars 2 pvp without all the grinding or I can play Lost Ark arenas also without all the grinding. Not to mention I can just go play a fighting game or DOTA/HoTS and get straight to the part that is fun. Everytime I come back to WoW with the intention of doing some arenas I think of all the systems on systems that I have to grind while there is a learning curve on top of it and I log out and go play a game more suited to actually pvping straight out of the gate.

I’m the same I resub, retail is fun for like 3 days until I start getting into the actual gear grind then I get a huge itch to just play tbc or something. So stressful, just feels like a race. Otherwise I just get 3 shotted by 50k+ hp players at 40k. Idk. You either have to play from season start and stick with it else it’s not worth it. I got 1700 in 2 days of arena from 0 cr, but I only have like 3 or 4 upgraded slots and don’t even feel like grinding cq/honor anymore.

Then everything resets… Smh.

honestly the reason why I’ve taken a back seat as a healer and swapped to TBC is just damage just comes out of no where. You’ll just get hit with an execute at 60% and you’ll die.