Went with the tanking method… Got some good gains
I’m in the same boat but I’ve long since reconciled
This. If you treat it like a sandbox game you might be alright. But if you level through zones you never levelled through before, you can also be entertained by new questlines and stories. I only played demon hunter after switching to horde, and when I levelled a mag’har orc through Azshara for the first time I was thoroughly engaged in the story. Even before the xp bonus, I think I was level 40+ before I mopped up the whole zone. (ok, so I wore full heirlooms, mined, herbed, and some pet battling…) One quest through a minefield was terribly painful in a comical way. And I got stuck on one of the mage guy’s challenges up on the mountain and cheesed that with flying after I did un’goro crater, but the whole thing was coherent and nice otherwise. Then Un’goro went by a little too fast, and only one zone of outland but tons of wpvp, then made a pandaren farm, a garrison, bounced through azsuna into BFA…
I’m looking forward to Shadowlands letting us level through a single expansion of choice. It might still only be a zone or two of choice in the pre-BC areas, but Outland and onward should be mostly finishable in 40 levels If I quit spending hours pet battling frogs around lakes…
It’s not going to be that different then right now with double XP going on.
Fake, impossible
I moved my main to a different server… I’ve leveled three alts since then… All three in about one to two days played time… and I was being lazy and chatting in town a bit.
Yeah, I think the double xp is to help people not feel like they’re wasting time when they know the level squish is coming. People actually thought Blizzard would double the amount of exp needed per level while halving the number of levels, to make it the same as getting to 120 without the xp bonus… but not sure Blizzard would do that. Seems to me Blizzard did a fair amount xp tuning back in Legion, so they might tune things once or twice after the level squish. Actually, in legion I think they tuned xp by different amounts within different level ranges to make levels in old content as fast as levels in newer content.
it’s rather disheartening that in vidya games, i habitually forget that this genre is entirely run by racist whites. bait can be so damn irresistible sometimes…
mmorpg’s are a time investment, usually a large one. If you don’t have time to even level then maybe you should branch out and check out other genres.
Side note, I have 2 maxed accounts in RuneScape I know about grind I’m no stranger.
Just stated that lately “pre 100% buff” it’s been getting harder to find time. Which is why I stated I’m glad it’s going to be easier in the future.
I suspect leveling from 1 to 120 right now is probably going to be faster since we have XP buff going. Plus you get an extra 10% right now with the fire festival thing.
145% if you’ve got heirlooms.
Leveling is so ridiculously quick now.
Xp pot and fire festival buff on top of that, pretty sure you can level just walking through zones now!
Don’t be that guy.
Break it down for me then? What’s the problem? That I didn’t know it was a troll thread?
Happens, sorry about that.
My sarcasm antenna are up.