My ideas about How to fix WoW

  1. Have other people design the game/next expansion.

nah, people are good they just need better ideas

Blizz dev : “So what i got from this is more TF, more Warfront and more Mission table”


It is more than gear that needs fixing.

Class Design needs fixing. A boring class design is a turn off.
Making Gear useful again.
Bringing back progression to the game as well. Not just within raiding, but with everything.

So to “fix” WoW:

Make the game even more alt friendly (it already is fairly alt friendly), throw even more loot at people, and remove access to seeing content from a large portion of the playerbase?

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  • Surgically remove Blizzard from Activision
  • Have a team that cares about the game
  • Don’t let greed be the driving force behind the game because it shows

Akston alt-friendliness is achieved though gear inflation (when with every patch gear gets easier to get, like in 8.1 getting 385-400 ilvl gear will piece of cake). It helps alts but kills progression. In my idea, you can get gear for you alts with your main and it will not kill progression that much because it will still be earned by you, not given to you for free.

But there are already so many easy ways to get an alt geared up. I don’t see why we need even more ways.

This is an incredibly alt friendly expansion in terms of gear.


It is not more ways, it is INSTEAD of current inflation way.

So we remove WQ gear rewards, warfronts, profession gear?

Or we could hire Mary Poppins as the lead dev for WoW

She could bring back the fun that the devs removed :wink:

So we remove WQ gear rewards, warfronts, profession gear?

No, we just do not increase rewards ilvl during expansion. We do not create inflation. Actually ilvl can increase for your current character (like now) bu not for all other characters. its character specific.

The rewards from those 3 things…I dont recall them being inflated yet this expansion.

And they all make gearing an alt up incredibly fast.

Well the important thing here is that you tried
pats on head slowly

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heh thank you xD

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QFT roflmao

More store items and loot boxes plz!

There is progression, since I can kill mobs faster now, then when I first turned 120,and if you can’t kill faster now then , you’re simply not using all of your abilities.

If killing trivial mobs just a little bit faster is what you consider “progression”…

OP, what you are asking is that gearing up alts should be even easier. But for new and returning players there would be no catch up at all. Why should they continue to play then, if they can never reach end game because of mechanics that are designed to prevent them from reaching it?

OP, what you are asking is that gearing up alts should be even easier. But for new and returning players there would be no catch up at all. Why should they continue to play then, if they can never reach end game because of mechanics that are designed to prevent them from reaching it?

Gearing up alts will not be necessary easier. It depends on drop rate and ilvl for alts could be a bit lower than for main. What I mean is that it can be adjustable. Also when you get some very good piece of gear for your alt(or alt you could create) it might motivate you to play that alt which is very good.

About returning and new players: when you buy a new game you have to play it through. It is not bad it is a good thing. Remember, that your copy of character for that specific expansion will stay there forever, I think there will always be some people playing that expansion as opposed to what it is now.

Also when new or returned players return when many other players are higher ilvl it will be easier for them to catch up because everyone could carry them a little bit (community!)

Basically, every expansion is like a separate game, and you can copy your toons from one expansion to next.