My hopes for Ret in Shadowlands

Thank. Been playing a long time. Some stuff starts to blur together over the years lol.

If anything on the talents I think the first row needs a look at for sure.

If I were to add to this a few things I wish they had unpruned in some fashion.
-Exorcism/Holy Wrath: Only usable vs Undead, Demon and Abberations though. Keep it as a niche thing that can be done which would be cool. Perhaps if for balancing reasons add a Holy Power cost/longer CD on it or something.

-Seals: I know people don’t really like these things and some people do but they could have came back as talents maybe? Probably tweak the first row or something or just what not. I know this is one of those 50/50 community split on it so not really worth pushing.

-Final Verdict: I miss this damn talent… one of the few great things from WoD let’s be real here.

-Greater Blessings: Kings, Might and Wisdom should not have been pruned. I loved those things. I know some other people did as well but right now in raid it feels nice to put the Kings on a tank and Wisdom on a healer, if only Might was still around so I could throw it on a fast attacking class.

-Empyrean Power/Divine Purpose: The placement of these two are nice, the fact they do not clash with major talents like Crusade or Sanctified Wrath and have their setting for great playstyle options is a good sign tbh. Hopefully beta brings along more options to look at for the talent tree.

But if I had to nitpick the most important thing: The first row of talents for sure needs some help.

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Big no-no: we had to fight for the removal of GBoM in Legion because it was such a bad spell. Never bring it back.
As for blessings in general: the Cata/MoP/WoD iteration as raid buffs, sure, why not? The greater blessings from Legion/BfA? Nope, thank you.


I mean some people liked them some people didn’t. I thought they were cool but hey each to their own.

But to have them as raid buffs as you mentioned that I would be for. So yea, I guess it’s like I don’t like seeing stuff pruned more or losing iconic things like blessings etc.

But should we though? I remember back in the day when mages in general were called “glass canons”. I think it’s appropriate. I have never thought that retribution pallys should have the same DPS as our cloth compatriots. For me, I just want our DPS to be competitive among other plate wearing dps’ers. DK’s being different since they are a hero class and we are not. I would expect their dps to outmatch us.

The only clear way we can discuss the state of Ret Pally going forward is with an official response on the intended state of the class fantasy. It makes sense our DPS is lower if our toolkit does something beneficial for the group; however, our benefits to he group/raid are not exactly competitive currently. Is that intended or is it a byproduct of balancing issues? Since we have had no Blue posts for a while this class/spec feels and plays like an abandoned concept.


Mages and warlock are REALLY tanky right now so…


In SL people are gonna say why take a Ret when you can take a Hpal or Prot that can do it better.


Hero class is a nothing term. It’s a term for classes for that above the minimum level of 1. DK’s and DH’s are hero classes because they start at a higher level, not because they’re supposed to be better than everyone else.

[Hero class ]

A hero class is a character class derived from the base classes, but with exclusive perks. These perks can include a unique starting experience, customization options, resources, class mounts, a higher starting level, and other flavor mechanics…

[Ghostcrawler - The Term “Hero Class”] - “Hero class” meant that the DK started at a higher level (and also with a lot of blue gear and so on). We thought it made sense for the DK story because you’re treated as a high-level character and veteran of past events. We didn’t think that made as much sense for the monk, especially when there were so many low-level pandaren running around, and the (perhaps flimsy) justification for non-pandaren monks learning how to be monks from the pandaren. We might very well use hero classes again if it makes sense for a future class though."


You clearly have a lot of experience with Paladins.


That’s why losing Kings, Wisdom and aoe WoG sucks. We lost what little utility that Holy and Prot didn’t bring. It wasn’t much, but it was noticeable.


There is still a chance for them to come back, Ion hilmself said with beta opening some spells might return based on feedback.
So everyone who gets beta: tell them what spells you’d like to see return.


Be precise, explain why it feels bad, and why the change should be made, or reiterated upon. Don’t just say do x and not explain. Having been in every Beta since MoP the better the detail, the better the chance that something will come of it.


I love all the base lining they’ve done for the spec in shadowlands. But ret still needs some interaction to add a little more depth as well as increase fluidity.

We don’t know seraphim or things like that. We need more to even out our damage curve so the clsss isn’t only really fun to play in the wings window.

There’s been tons of feedback here and in the shadowlands forum so I can only hope they’ll listen.

What “base lining”? The spec is hollow af. As others already pointed out: no synergies, no real interactions between spells, useless talents, trap talents, Ret Aura, etc.

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The spec needs more, just trying to give some credit.

I guess I really mean just hammer of Wrath And consecration. The latter of which needs to do more than just be a minor aoe ability.

Imo it doesn’t go far enough but I do like what we got.

Cons alone would be way better (I know people will hate me for that) if we got Hallowed Ground as PvP talent. That way it wouldn’t be completely useless.
The addition of Hammer of Wrath doesn’t change much for me as I already play with it. What sucks is that Empyrean Power doesn’t get baseline. Right now (given that they don’t shuffle talents) we are trading HoW for EP, so nothing is gained.

Then there is still the problem of the dead zones which Cons alone will not fix. Wake of Ashes granting only three holy power is also a downgrade. I rather overcap one holy power now and then instead of losing two holy power permanently.

Oh my, I could go on with this all day and the fixes to all problems are mostly simple but let’s be honest. We are f***ed.