My God! Blizzard actually did it!

They certainly have it yet they have simply returned to the game but then again we are just an alpha :roll_eyes:

Like the person on the shaman said above that could change real quick

well, there is still room for improvementā€¦ for example, i dont like second wind behind interveneā€¦ it makes it unusable in arenas/rbgsā€¦ and also Shattering Throw should probably be baselineā€¦

At least, i am hoping we have like talents templates, so we can activate each for different situations

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Well having second wind as a fury Warrior would be a lot of fun. I am just really liking currently that a lot of abilities like that are not locked behind certain specs like they are now.

Bottom line? Options are a good thing. I really do miss being able to hop with second wind :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Now having the ability ā€œbitter immunityā€ along with second wind will make Arenas a lot of fun on a warrior. When timed right youā€™ll be able to pillar self heal :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Also Fury warriors getting Die by The Sword ā€¦

But no matter that, im going Armsā€¦ it has always been my prefered game styleā€¦ I hate hitting lower numbers with fury even if doing more dps.

I rather hit hard once for 20k, than 20 strikes of 1 each.

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I fully agree with you my friend. Now Fury is the only spec that could Rock one-handed weapons now Iā€™m glad weā€™ll be going back to both specs being able to do it. Iā€™m okay with a slight DPS loss as arms for doing so but feeling gimped like it is in life Iā€™m not okay with. In the old days you could do it on either spec

Condemn needs to not be an Arms specific talent.

Move it to the general tree on the same spot as Spear of Bastion. Spear sucks.

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Itā€™s fun in PvP other than that itā€™s pretty much a useless talent I agree.

I will probably be maning arms back on my warrior though

Itā€™s got me tempted to main arms again, but my guild would prefer that I stick with lock for my healthstones and summons amazing dps.

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You tell your guild that you need to play what you enjoy otherwise you may just find yourself not wanting to log in anymore :wink:

With that said if warlocks get the demo form back? Even if itā€™s just a ranged version? You wonā€™t be able to hold me back from my lock. So I am dying to see that lock tree

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Iā€™m still hoping they ditch Aspect of the Cheetah as a cooldown and return it to a ā€œstanceā€ - Especially since speed potions are 5min cooldowns now.

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I hate to be the downer but there is no way they go live with this. Giving prot warrior 6 defensives including a 100% parry on 2min CD is just insane. Thatā€™s the equivalent to having a frontal bubble every 2min. Also the fact you can get both banner and avatar at the same timeā€¦ is just wat. If they went live with this guilds would force their tanks to swap to warrior or get sat for any real progression. Itā€™s just way too strong as is.

That said they donā€™t need to remove all of those things, just potentially put the stronger versions of things in the spec trees. Moving the 100% parry back to the Arms tree would fix that, Iā€™d be perfectly fine with a 40-50% parry on 2min CD. Also stance dancing I donā€™t really see returning, berserker stance is kinda DOA outside of PvP. Defensive stance is situational and the default will be the default.

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As someone who missed MoP class design like a good many people here on GD, Iā€™m absolutely anticipatory about some semblance of MoP Hunter returning, kinda wish BM/SV could still choose range or melee but thatā€™s neither here nor thereā€¦ also since Iā€™m stuck using Undead hounds swappable pet specs would be nice for ferocityā€™s leech.

Alternatively a glyph for Call of the Wild that causes it to use stables instead.

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Protection warrior looks soooo fun! you can make a super tanky build, a aoe thunderclap bleeds build, a jump around and dash like a mad man buildā€¦ man this just made it harder to decide on a main lol


Lmao you came in here like Eeyore looking for a fight. ā€œIā€™m not excited, YOU people are just nostalgic, harrumph!ā€

And everyone else needs to learn to communicate? Yikes


If you like them that much, odds are Blizz will see it as overpowered and nerf it.

ā€œshould HAVEā€ or ā€œshouldā€™veā€

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Fun detected.

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ā€œWe are keeping this!ā€

good ele been busted for awhile

It looks pretty POG. Iā€™m very excited about arms and fury looks like itā€™s got some neat options to mess with.

Is it me or does Fury have the option to use only 2H now?

something like this

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