My God! Blizzard actually did it!

They made Warriors fun again!

I will tell you right now that the warrior talent tree has me giddy as a school girl! :heart_eyes:

I am so excited that we get all our stances back! Regardless of spec. Also having second wind as Fury is going to be a lot of fun. Everything I have seen in the Warrior tree so far has made me really happy.

Having the ability to have one handed Mastery back to where you can use a one-handed weapon as Arms with a shield has me really happy. This turns Warriors back into what they used to be which is basically a utility kit

I can’t wait to see what they do with warlocks. If they return demon form to warlocks? I will probably have a stroke

Who else is excited? What talent tree are you most excited to see?


Temper that excitement. I was ecstatic about the shaman trees, now they’re nerfing them. FUN!


DH ofc. Just to see what hilarity they present after leaving it to the end to reveal.


They can Nerf them. Fine. It’s more though layout of the warrior tree that I am most excited for so if they Nerf it no big deal. When we went to the current iteration we have now and they got rid of trees Warriors lost a crap ton of utility. Now based off the warrior tree it looks like we are getting that utility back

As long as they don’t take away the stances and the tree seem to be built on the stances so I doubt they will

None, Blizz isn’t doing anything magical here, just you people who get nostalgia or something which I can’t share in. I like that talent trees are back but I’m definitely no where near as excited as you.


Well I’m sorry you feel that way. It may shock you when I tell you that no one is twisting your arm to be here.

You certainly don’t sound like you’re having fun you almost sound like you hate the game. The door is behind me

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I was kinda excited but then the mage one came around and made me wanna reroll rogue because of how poorly designed it was.


Oof, you should of said you wanted an echo chamber of like minded individuals.

Arrogant people like you is what makes this community oh so lovely /s


Nothing I said at all was arrogant I don’t even think you understand the definition of the word.

I was more being real with you. If you’re not having fun it’s not a mentally healthy option to stay in a game that you don’t enjoy it’s going to do nothing but cause needless stress in your life. Why do that to yourself?

If you’re not enjoying the game just leave it. There is no shame in that. I have never understood why so many people that are obviously not happy here stay

Then you are delusional if you don’t think you were arrogant or even without attitude… when you go show someone the door… it is heavily implied. Go shove it.


No I said one thing and you heard another. Nothing I stated showed any sign of an attitude whatsoever or a standpoint on anything. To be arrogant you have to believe you are better than others that’s literally the definition of the word.

I never said that nor did I imply it. I simply pointed out the fact that you sound very bitter almost like you hate the game. So I pointed out the reality of the situation that if you dislike the game just leave. No one’s twisting your arm to stay. That’s all.

Not everything is a personal attack kiddo. Stop taking it as such and we are derailing the threat at this point so let’s just drop it

Girl saaaame. I was holding out to see who I’d play in DF and boy do I love that prot warrior tree.

Dracthyr can be my rightful alt. Warrior is bae

Shield charge is
:dracthyr_blob_dance_animated: :dracthyr_blob_dance_animated:


You are blind…


Ok, this is pointless… honestly people like you should shove it to put it lightly. Learn to talk with people.


Sounds like canceling was the right decision. I hated stances so much and I’ve started really enjoying Warrior as it is today.

Oh well.

I think Demon Hunters would be a little pissed. I love Warlock, but I’m opposed to anything that adds more stuff to the rotation. The class is already too busy as it is.

I prefer 3-4 button rotations.

Shreds luckily I understand how you are but others may not be so lucky.

I will state that your humorous satire is always welcome. When reading his comment folks understand that shreds has a very snide sense of humor

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That being said, the forums are there to express concerns of not having fun, or looking forward to lists of options or changes coming to the game. However with that in mind – Many express their opposition to those thoughts etc.

It’s a bit of a toxic mindset to simply say “Well there’s the door” with an unhappy player, because you could display such on every post.

However I understand the anger towards someone just pouring direct negativity when asking everyone what they’re looking forward to, they should be more explanatory in their comment or just move on.

– But yeah, if you’re excited for nothing coming to the next expansion perhaps you should give more incentive to why that is and what would excite you. If you’re one of those that are simply: “Yeah this game sucks! It can’t make me excited and won’t.” - Then yeah, I’d agree with Grimoire’s sentiment & you can let the door hit you on the way out lol.

I’m excited that for druid convoke the spirits is still a talent they can choose from, and they’re listening to feedback from players about other spells or passives from various systems & expansions that have felt great on their class being implemented. :slight_smile:

Personally I’m hoping they add back ‘Spectral Guise’ - for priests. :yum:


Everything you stated was pretty on point. That was some very well thought out and articulated criticism. :+1:

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Well I strongly doubt stance dancing will be a thing. They’re just options without much impact.

They’re not baselined, you have to talent into them after all.


This is just the same group that was “Super excited” for covenants before seeing the gacha mechanics. The same group that thought Azerite Power sounded cool and balanced.

But yeah, you’re right. SMF is going to be trash, the spec is going to be very cookie cutter, you aren’t taking all 3 stances either way because there are clear cut 1st tier selections for DPS instead.

It’s the illusion of choice, which is what they told us talent trees were the whole time (and they weren’t exactly wrong).

But, to their defense - it’s a LOT better than that mage disaster.

They save the best for last :sunglasses: