My genius solution to solving borrowed power

I have to say that it used to be really exciting when I got a tier bonus from any gear. Now everything is just one of these million of other things, and I don’t even care any more, including legendaries, which used to be “The Legendary”.

Tier gear is borrowed power. It’s just from a different source. it also happens to come with more issues than the current model, because tier gear while being borrowed power, more rapidly ages than the current model.

I don’t think tier gear is a bad idea, and I also don’t think borrowed power is a bad idea either. Any system implemented will have its strengths and weaknesses.

Love it!, get this man a trophy

I dont get it.

Wheres the gimmick?

Well, we either get borrowed power

Get insane ability bloat so our rotations aren’t the same for years

Get nothing and die of stagnation

But y’all don’t wanna think about that, borrow power bad unga bunga

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WoW suffers from “been there done that” -itis. Every raid has a twin fight, every raid has a Council fight, every raid has “Tower Defense”, every raid has one of two types of end-bosses, etc. etc. etc.

The raid experience is kept fresh and fun by changes to your kit. Tier sets did this to an extent but were not always substantial enough. Usually tier sets + on-going balance changes were required, but Blizzard likely wants to be in a place where they’re not upsetting class balance just to keep things fresh.

Borrowed power allows us to experience the same type of encounters but in a new way. A twin fight in Shadowlands isn’t exactly the same thing as a twin fight in Legion because the systems are different.

Borrowed power should perhaps be scaled back a bit, but no borrowed power is going to lead to a WoD like scenario where classes start to feel flat. WoD had some of the best raid content ever but your character was so unexciting.

There is a name for that. It’s called “gear”.

I think we can all agree that tier sets for pve and pvp were the best version of BP.

They were subtle yet impactful and didnt feel like your class was gutted at teh start of the next expan.

I think BLIZZ just used BP from Legion forward as a way for “infinite” progression via artifact power. They gimped this in SL as renown has a more clear cap but the time gate is still there.

Just pray they learned their lesson and just go back to simply armor sets, trinkets, and occasional legendaries as the only source of BP.


I think going back to dungeon sets and raid tier sets with set bonuses is a million times better then the current borrowed power system.

Back when armor sets had the bonuses I was at least motivated to run dungeons and raids. Now I just run them once for the story and I’m done.

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We’ve always had borrowed power in the form of sets. The reason no one kicked up a huge fuss about it was because they compliment your character.

Borrowed power should act as a way to shake up your rotation, and bring other playstyles, talents, what have you into favor. Classes should come with a complete kit, and everything else should compliment it. Not replace it.

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So you want there to be no character progression at all other than gear for the whole expansion? How incredibly boring. Probably would have quit that version of the game sooo much sooner than I quit BfA and SL

TBC, Wrath, Cata (for PvP), and MoP all beg to differ. These are all almost universally praised, and it isnt like we spent all of Wrath grinding lich power for our bracers of azerite.


Well I beg to differ with you. I much prefer the borrowed power expacs than the ones where there’s nothing to do but level another alt

I don’t think you guys know what tier sets are or how they functioned.

What are you basing this off of? There was tons to do in those expansions at end game, because they actually had developer time to devote to content instead of needing to spend hours upon hours on tuning and balance changes that will just go away in a couple years.

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The next Einstein is among us. Brilliant OP.

Personal preference?

The million dollar idea here folks…wait for it…glyphs.

Sad OP isn’t a Vulpera from the name.

Not having borrowed power is not the way to go.

If the are no new systems being added to the game, what makes the specs different from expansions to expansions? New talents and new abilities make the specs more complicated. And even if you can get by for one expansion, what about future expansions? You can’t just add more and more talent rows into the game. And if you swap abilities and talents, well, then you are basically suggesting something they have been doing for quite a while now. If too many key abilities are swapped out, it becomes a rework, which is not intended unless necessary. If too few, then it doesn’t keep the spec fresh enough and that is what we have now.

So borrowed power is a necessary system to the game. After every expansion it is replaced, so it doesn’t add too much complexity to the game, while also keeping the game “sort of” fresh. And make no mistake, other games like League does it all the time. The systems in League are called “item system” and “rune system”. Riot replaces and changes items and runes all the time. WoW’s equivalent counterpart is called artifact relic in 7.X, Azerite Traits in 8.X, and conduits in 9.X. The Azerite essences in 8.X is comparable to the soulbinds in 9.X., while the legendary system in 9.X is directly from 7.X as well.

And finally, it will always be inevitability that specs nerfed because of borrowed system have issues when the system is gone. Nerfing the borrowed system instead of the spec in an expansion compromises the balance of other specs. The jungle item changes in League is also a prime example of borrowed system failure, and it happens literally every season in League. In my opinion there is no easy solution to the issue.