My final thread. It was fun

They’re the opposite of each other.

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Probably because we didn’t come here to be preached at.

And no, I didn’t even touch the flag button.


When he makes an appearance and denounces the bible, sure.

Wait, this isn’t the Atheist Experience!

That’s because it should be in the Off-Topic forums. But I don’t care if it’s in General Discussion because religious conversations, specifically debates, always get me going. I was tempted to mention things like bible-sanctioned slavery and sexism, but I think that would just derail the purpose of the thread.

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that ship has sailed

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Can I have your gold?

this threads gonna be a trainwreck.

I saw that, but I think having a back-and-forth about Exodus 21 and Leviticus 25:44 wouldn’t exactly take it anywhere more productive lol.


i’ve tried to have conversations with other christians about what the bible actually says. never ends well. lol. the term “weekend” christian exists fora reason. :stuck_out_tongue:


Can i have your gold?

unstealths & sniffs the air

/stealths again

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earthmother guide you

takes a picture for posterity

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Nope. I cashed out so I can purchase diablo 4 with bnet bucks. Sorry.

Rest in Peace

You have a foot fetish, pretty sure god will smite you himself.

I wish you well in far-found pastures… but I don’t get why you needed to spend a whole paragraph shoving your religion on people.
