My Dragonflight Enhancement Shaman Wishlist/Soft Redesign

Shadowlands has basically reverted enhancement shaman back to its WoD playstyle with some legion elements squeezed in as well. My experience with this expansion was that the class was back to its awesome cooldown based roots, but was a little raw in certain areas. There are many gameplay and thematic elements that show to me that enhancement was pretty half baked going into SL. This spec aged finely throughout the expansion and overall got much better, here I just want to give my wishlist for how my favorite spec in the game can be made better in the future.

With dragonflight gutting the current talent system, I hope they craft enhance’s new talents as a culmination of all of renditions of enhancement throughout all the expansions. I think by taking the best qualities of this spec from each expansion this spec can be perfect without much work having to be done. With all that being said here’s my wishlist:

Big Stuff

  • Remove Frost/Flame shock and replace with Unleash Elements

Frost/Flame shock provide no exciting gameplay and for most of SL were a giant inconvenience as they could not be casted in succession until 9.2. Even now both spells feel very impactful and feel disconnected from the rest of the enh rotation. The return/redesign of unleash elements can allow for a filler ability that not only provides a better flow to the spec, it helps build the enhancement identity.

Unleash Elements - (5 sec cd / 2 charges / 10 yard range) Blast the target with the power of the elements through your weapons, dealing X amount of damage, increasing your next stormstrikes damage by 5% and causing your weapons to deal ticking fire damage.

  • Bring back rockbiter as a slow now that frost shock is gone

Shamans to me should be using earth much more than they currently do now, and considering enhancement has ZERO earth-based spells outside of talents. Bring back this awesome animation as a slow to replace boring frost shock, which has a “slap” animation and is of an element that many other classes have access to. This is an aspect of legion class fantasy I really miss, even if the initial rendition of rockbiter was boring

  • Replace Lightning Bolt with Stormblast/Something new

Lightning bolt feels, looks, and is weak. I see Enhancement as a melee spec that can dish out mid range abilities when empowered, and using elemental’s filler to do mediocre damage as a high point in the rotation does not exactly scratch that itch. I would suggest replacing lightning bolt with an awesome enhancement exclusive mid-range ability: stormblast. I would also really want this ability to be able to do double damage using 10 stacks of MW, as it adds a better feel to the spender as well as allowing for stormbringer procs to not be wasted on 2 GCDs.

  • Make ride the lightning accessible in PvE

Ride the lightning is a beautiful ability. I just want to see it as a baseline part of enhancement without being restricted to only PvP

Smaller Stuff

  • Racial Feral Spirits

Feral spirits really only make sense for orcs and maybe tauren so having the racial beasts for each shaman race can flesh out all the different races practice of shamanism

  • Draenei - Riverbeast
  • Dwarf - Rams
  • Tauren - Kodos
  • Orc - Wolves
  • Troll - Raptors
  • Goblin - Snapdragons?
  • Pandaren - Windward Tigers
  • Dark Iron Dwarf - Flamesabers
  • Kul’tiran - Deer/Wicker Beast?
  • Highmountain Tauren - Eagles
  • Mag’har Orc - Dire Wolves
  • Zandalari Troll - Raptor
  • Vulpera - Krolusk

*** Cool New abilities**

These are just some ideas for potentially new abilities in dragonflight, not married to anything just some fun brainstorms.

Healing Storm - A version of healing rain that spawns under you after spending 5 stacks of MW, deals damage with lightning and provides healing with water.

Windrush - Updated version of spiritwalk with windy animation

*spirit walk is very boring and has an uninspired animation

Shorebreak- Summon a wave to push all enemies in a cone in front of you back, dealing moderate damage and slowing them.

Unleash Doom - Ability from legion, please bring back in DF

This is all just a wishlist for what I want enhancement to be. I understand most of the work is probably done but I just wanted to share my ideas.


all i want is double windfury back because when they take all the borrowed power away enhancement will be back to a bad spec like it usually is at the start of every expansion…history will repeat it self with enhancement good at the end of an expansion and bad at the start.

id also like stormstrike to work with a 2hd weapon that it

I really don’t want windfury to be a prominent factor in enhancement dps, its nothing but rng and adds very little in terms of gameplay. Double windfury back then was fixed in a patch as it was seen as a exploit. I think enhance needs to move in a direction that combines the best parts of both the WoD and Legion designs to make a melee shaman spec that can dish out mid range abilities from time to time.

I agree with two handed tho, as long as it is an option and not required I see nothing really wrong with adding two handed back.

well with enhancements history its going to be crap at the launch of dragonflight so enjoy im staying elemental.

Nope we just got them back. And I want Earth Shock back no we do not need to be pruned anymore.

And again no we just got rid of that useless spell. Enhancement has always been a Wind /Lighting spec. We also have how many fire spells non talent like 3. I say remove those 3 and replace them with lighting abilities or wind abilities.

Windfury is one of the only abilities that has not been removed. It was turned into a passive in Legion and BFA but it has always been there and it has been a big part of our dps. Always has been. I would love for Windfury to be prominent again. I miss the days of seeing WF proc and watching the health bars be melted.

What I want to see for enhancement bring back earthshock as our nuke return the SS debuff that we had. Make it so the debuff could not be consumed by Lighting Shield.

No we will just be the poor mans fury warrior that spams SS like we were in legion. I hated legion/bfa enhancement. We are not pure melee stop trying to make us such… Let us be the hybrid we are supposed to be. There are a few things that could be done to improve the spec 100% that blizzard just stopped short of doing when reverting us as they did.

I’m not saying to bring back BFA SS spam, I love the current enhance play style, I just think having things like better spells for management of downtime as well as a more effective MW spender could push the spec past the quick redesign in SL. Current enh is great I just want to build on it bet adding more thematic abilities that make the rotation more satisfying.

I also really want unleash elements to come back in some shape or form

So …I like some of these suggestions, but a lot of those suggested playstyle preferences are subjective and that’s totally fine. Those feral spirits suggestions have a stronger chance to just become glyphs, but I like them! I really loved unleash doom and feel it may sit better as a 45s/1min burst ability baseline for prio damage and should be compared to monk Storm earth and fire, but for ST. Your idea for Ride the lightning in PVE is somewhat there but is somewhat present only with the necrolord covenant lego. It would be great to see it as a result of the Crash lightning talent. Enhance Burst AOE is abysmal and that is an point that needs to be addressed. Replacing Lightning Bolt with another name is pretty much the going to change the name only, but I would love to have an interaction that makes “Storm blast” an AOE when something happens, not a bad idea with the 10 stacks of MSW.

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wdwb and the tier are really fun I hope there’s some talent option that ties in cdr and stormbringer to wolves

wolves haven’t felt useful in a very long time and the way they made wolves an active ability and not just a passive with the 4pc is actually so insanely fun

i love enhance right now the only things I can really see wanting at this point would be unleash elements returned and maybe some old glyphs returning as passives

  • lightning shield proccing from taking damage applies a 10-15% physical damage reduction for 6 seconds (old glyph)

  • healing stream applies a 10% fire frost nature damage reduction to targets it heals for 6 seconds (old glyph)

  • astral shift removes all harmful magic effects

mechanically i can’t really even ask for anything though I think


I just would like to see Elemental Booms for Enhancement Shamans. Really change things up.

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