My Classice Hunter Talent build

I need some thoughts on this build I’m thinking of for my hunter in PVE. I basically put my points in Marksmanship

  1. You need “Efficiency” to reduce the mana cost of your shots. As nothing should be attacking you in a dungeon or raid, “Improved Concussive Shot” isn’t really needed.

  2. While 5 points in “Improved Hunter’s Mark” is good, only one person in the group needs to have it. If you just plan on trying to PuG raids, all 5 might be good. Otherwise, you only really need 2 to 3 to advance.

  3. Aimed Shot and Arcane Shot share a cooldown so you can’t use them at the same time so the Improved Arcane Shot talents are useless.

  4. Both Improved Serpent Sting and Improved Scorpid Sting are useless as you can only affect a target with one sting and stings are a low priority on the debuff list. As there are only 16 debuff slots, it is not advisable to use serpent sting. There are even fewer opportunities to use Scorpid Sting as well.

  5. With the talents that remain, you then have to decide whether to work on Survival or BM.