My character has been stuck in Magister's Terrace with "World Server is Down" for 24 hours

I’ve had a similar issue happen to me but I was able to clear it up by changing realms and creating a new character on a different realm than going back to the old realm. Sometimes I get you are already logged in message but i keep loading up a different character on the realm and signing out. Once it took 23 login and outs on different characters for the issue to clear up.

I think all of Blizzard services are down since they are being used to mass exodus Maladarth :confused:

Bump. I play on Mankrik as well and every time I try to take the portal to the Isle of Quel’danas it says, “transfer aborted: instance not found”. Its crazy that its been nearly 20 hours and the entire island is still down. I wonder how many other characters are stuck there and unable to log in?

Mankrik as well here. Same issue as OP except all I did was fly into blades edge mountains. Same " Oops! It looks like something went wrong." and everything. I can log onto another toon in hellfire without issue, though. I’m afraid to take them up there and see, lol

As of 10:30 PM EST, ~22 hours since my initial post and around 25 hours since my problems first began, I am still not able to log in and tickets have only yielded automated responses, I’m worried I’m going to end up missing raid and a whole day of dailies, which would suck

yup, another of the mankirk RIP. Ticket still no response here. hoping at a min after reset we be good, but ya lost getting last raids in and dailies before weekly reset sucks

Jeez, I hope it gets fixed soon or do something to at least compensate this, cause that amount of time is nuts.

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