My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

Does she have one of those awful voices where it sounds like the actor is trying to hatescream their words around a big mouthful of rusty forks with the tongs pointed toward their uvula


YES. Exactly that.

How absurdly specific but yes.

One of my pet peeves about orcs in WoW is when certain orc NPCs are voiced as if they’re literal garbage disposals attempting to emulate coherent speech. I get that they’re the big savage brutish non-human warrior race but my attention does a hard U turn when the actor sounds like they’re furious with the very scrambled eggs and broken glass that are choking them to death mid-line.


of the two grumbol is better but both make me want to headbutt a unicorn

Also, they did the same thing with Cromush’s voice actor and I really think we’re going to have people talking around real-life tusks for the rest of wow.

I misread the last word at first and thought the metaphor was getting way too specific.

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I still can’t get over the fact that she literally screech’s and flies away.

It’s unintentional comedy and i love it.



(complete sentence)

the part I don’t get is…she won the duel (I think? im not sure on the rules) but acts like she completely lost to saurfang.

what would’ve happened if she said nothing at all? zaps saurfang and then looks at the alliance and rebel horde as they lay down their arms? or would the siege have happened anyway?


This is actually fairly incorrect. If it’s just one side, it’s not a faction war.

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I still remember my Alliance friends at the time being suuuuuuuper confused when zoning into SFK.

There was a lot of “who the helln is Ivar?”

It’s meant to be no magic. Weapons only. She cheated. Like Thrall did, when he killed Garrosh.

can we just accept that there has never been an orc duel without cheating


orcish anything seems to vary depending on who you talk to


I mean, sure? Sylvanas still technically cheated, and therefore didn’t exactly win. Especially given how she chose to nyoom off into the night like a vampire.

If I were Sylvanas I would count eliminating the rebel leader and escaping with my life while an entire army bears down on my city to kill me specifically a win. But alas, my hair is not shimmery like silver rain.


she also didn’t even have to zap him. he was outmatched the entire fight…….im sorta envisioning saurfang going for the kill, right? nice charge going and powerslides to her right?? and gets shanked. FULL CIRCLE BABY

Sylvanas could have ended Saurfang quickly. Given it was only so the Loyalist Horde and Rebel Horde + Alliance forces wouldn’t decimate what little they had left so the Siege probably would have happened anyway. But I think the Rebels would have been super demoralized.

Honestly a couple things she could have done to have made her keep power. She should have raised Derek in secret and not have told Baine about it, but have a fall guy in case the plot were discovered. One where she had plausible deniability. This would mean most of the people who would join the rebellion wouldn’t even think to. I know she says she has no use for the Horde now and all that but having the Horde behind you is still better than having no Horde behind you. Especially if she could have used whatever power she will also be getting alongside it. Sylvanas was just really stupid for a brilliant tactician with thousands of years of experience.

There is so much she could have done differently and it would have even made her current plan work a lot better. You want more bodies for Death? Well keep the war going and don’t churn the fires of rebellion because you KNOW the Horde and Alliance have a knack for teaming up together if they have a greater enemy. Sure N’zoth is going to kill a lot of people still but what about after that when everyone is like “You know what? We are no longer the Alliance or the Horde. We are Azeroth!” Certainly not put bodies on the alter of Death.

Sometimes its fun to RP the evil villains. I might have been ok with doing so, if Blizzard hadn’t kept lying about it.

Senior Producer Travis Day: “Because Sylvanas is not evil… I also think that she does take seriously the representation of the Horde. She has a different perspective which is that the Horde will never be safe until the Alliance is wiped out. But, is she acting in a cruel, mustache-twirling evil way? Not really, she’s just trying to defend her people.”


Blizzard thinks a plot twist is the same as lying to your customers