My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

You don’t need a reason. If dance is in your heart you should dance.

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I dance like nobody’s watching.

I have been asked to leave CostCo four times this month.


As much as the I didn’t rightly care for the War Campaign (attacking Dazar’alor made ZERO tactical sense), I will say that I’m intrigued about where we go from here. If Tyrande doesn’t back down, will Anduin have the Alliance step in to fight her and defend his new Horde allies? Or will Tyrande simply withdraw from the Alliance entirely, possibly followed by Genn and the Worgen? And what about the Forsaken? They’ve been marginalized in the past under Garrosh’s rule, and are likely to be viewed all the more harshly once again, so what’s to happen to them? Who is going to lead them as a faction and how will they gain acceptance, if they even want it? Just seeing how it all plays out should be interesting, if nothing else. I’m certainly looking forward to a bit of a shake up in the same old faction and racial dynamics we’ve gotten so used to over the years.

You can’t just leave a giant hint like that and not expound on it.

stop breaking my immersion while leveling eitrigg this is supposed to be in the past


I thought the same but as a Forsaken RPer I’ve encountered some interesting perspectives, at least from other Forsaken. There’s a line of thought where “Yeah, the Horde IS nothing, because it can’t stay together even in crisis, all because of a code of honor that nobody can actually describe. We tore each other apart again, and lost all chance at achieving victory in the war, all over a sense of morality that doesn’t appear to exist. Sylvanas abandoned the Horde because of its weakness, and inconsistency and if she’ll have me, I will too.”

Which I don’t agree with, IC or OOC. But it’s a better explanation than “Muahaha I’m evil.”

I kind of wanted to touch on this.

I think it’s worth pointing out that the people who wanted a faction war aren’t happy either (except for… and I guess I’ll call them “story tourists”, the people who just watch cinematics and nothing else).

There are a lot of good ways to write a faction war. If you quest through Silverpine, you get a faction war story that is very rooted in smaller characters, and it’s genuinely good. That’s not what BfA was. It was a cast of all-stars at the forefront while everyone else was completely neglected.


Yeah that’s the worst crime of BfA. They focused on something only half of players really care about, and somehow made nobody happy.

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People were pretty upset about that interview with the story guys, but I think the one moment that made me genuinely angry was when they said Usha Eyegouge was sort of a representation of the normal soldier.

  1. We don’t know anything about her except blurbs that don’t really tell us much.
  2. She isn’t likable.
  3. Half her blurbs seem to be assigned for the wrong WQs, given the dissonance between what she yells and what the quest actually involved.

Usha is an insane, psychotically aggressive maniac whose only dialogue was interchangeable with everything she said. Just variations of “Nice job killing those Alliance!” She never referenced anything specific, and I know for a fact some WQs that were totally unrelated had the same blurbs.

Not to mention I’m pretty sure she’s just there to be a Vanilla easter egg. She makes Alterac Valley jokes constantly and it’s like “We get it, she was an NPC in an old battleground.”




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You may be being sarcastic, but you could equally likely not know who she is for real.

Basically she’s some throwaway character who was a Horde NPC in Alterac for forever. She has no discernable personality, and her voice actor sounds like she’s going for “villain in a Nick Jr. show”.


I’m actually not. I have no idea who that is

Yeah she was a weird choice for the role she got. She was pretty much a nobody, and frankly still is cuz she only appears to give you vague encouragement or yell at you.


Oh come on, I would’ve done this for free, Blizzard.


She’s the Horde equivilant of Grumbol Grimhammer as far as Incursions go. Except where Grumbol is kind of a general affably aggressive dwarf full of humorous digs at the enemy and kind of approaches the whole thing with a sense of levity anyway because why not have a chuckle when you’re about to die, Usha is a barely stitched together gas bag of pure, unadulterated, twitching neckbeard rage that spits and froths.

Usha is basically the fantasy personification of someone who if you knew them and they somehow ended up on the news as an active shooter nearby you’d go “Oh… yeah.”

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I don’t know who that is either

Former Alterac Valley throwaway NPC who now pops up occasionally as a talking head when you do faction assault world quests, usually saying something like rawr grr grumble kill orcs.

Like that’s it. That’s all he is. He’s just more tolerable of the two.

He talks about smells a lot.

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I hated every time Eyegouge spoke. I muted her immediately.