My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

It’s a NaNoWriMo project that never went to the editing room

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…We’re all part of someone’s dead nanowrimo project now…


I just find FFXIV’s race design somehow even less inspired than Blizzard’s.

I mean, I guess not every MMO can let me play as a big, scarred orc lady the way ESO can but I’m still judging.

The thing about XIV that I accepted early on is that you’re basically playing as a Final Fantasy main character, therefore you (and everyone else) is going to be incredibly attractive in every aspect.

ESO is nice with the sliders, but no amount of sliders can really help with the horrid hairstyles as well as the ‘same face’.

FFXIV is Anime: The MMO and that’s what I love about it. Though I play both ESO and FFXIV so what I don’t get from one, I get from the other.

Eorzea being full of highly accomplished twentysomething svelte supermodels is one of the few things that annoys me about the setting, but I expected it going in so it’s whatever.

It’s also nice being able to play as an effeminate twink without it being the butt of a joke.


I enjoy the equal opportunity sl*tty outfits. Men can rock them heels and the hot pants.

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Western games > Japanese games > KOREAN GAMES.

I don’t know, I think I’d rather reinstall Mabinogi than pay to play XIV.

i think i played three sessions of Mabinogi back in the day and then uninstalled so i don’t recall any of the character customization

if mabinogi is still run by nexon then many people probably pay way more than they would on an XIV sub

Tbh character customization was not good and the races are even blander than XIV’s but it’s free and kinda cute but also dead as a doornail.

I f2p gacha games.

I can resist the P2W.

i’m just bitter at nexon for what they did to my favorite childhood game tbh

if you can avoid spending money on their games more power to you

Fair, fair. I’m still mad at intsys for turning my childhood series into a waifu simulator.

It kinda helps that all their games but Mabinogi suck…

I need more MMOs to let me play as a robot.

so far, it’s basically just been Wildstar and squinting really hard at SWTOR, which is unacceptable

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I’m still sad I never got to play Wildstar. Out of all the alternative MMOs, it had an art direction that I thought was actually really good.


So, yeah, this Calamity of Dragons is something else.

They just keep spawning Wyverns, which is cool, they’re all low-level stuff, but the actual Dragons are the literal Boss incarnations being piloted by the Mods, so they’re something of a nightmare to deal with.

Waverider Tribe made it inland and is taking shelter in some canyons, we’ve build a couple of layers of stone ceiling above our temporary base to keep Dragons and Wyverns from dive-bombing us while we set about on our master plan.

More Golems.

It’s been costly making primitive cannons and cannonballs, but we’ve managed to, with some casualties, tame a pair of low-level Golems and a bunch of Thylacoleo for protection from ground-based nasties as well as getting around, since flying about when there are DRAGONS looking from meals is something of a death sentence.

Nothing is faster in the air than a Dragon, apparently, not even Wyverns and Gryphons. So the Tribe’s decided we’re gonna stockpile Golems as much as we can and use them as soaks against the Wyverns while the players focus what flying creatures we have left, as well as our remaining siege weapons, on the Dragon itself since that isn’t relying upon AI and knows to duck and weave through the air instead of flying in a straight line towards you.

Viking Clan … nobody has heard from them in days. They’ve gone completely dark, we know they’re logging into the server but they’re avoiding the ARK Discord Server like the plague.

Forest Clan found out the hard way that just because you can build in a cave doesn’t mean you should. Half their Tribe got wiped out while they were asleep because spiders, scorpions and snakes spawned in the back of the cave and by the time they had logged in, most of their gear had despawned and they’d lost a few Bigfeet and other tames to the mess before the wild spawns had been killed.

Swamp Clan … man I am really beginning to dislike these guys. While the Vikings went dark and we’ve retreated from Heck-No Peninsula, the Swamp Clan built a bunch of rafts with siege weapons on it and went out in two directions, looting both our bases and then leveling them both to the ground to add insult to injury. They are absolutely determined to be the only naval power in the game and it is frustrating to know their entire strategy revolves around building cheap, expendable weapons and tools so they can just zerg their way to a base over and over again until sheer force of numbers makes you retreat or surrender.

Three more weeks of this shizzle on my nizzles. Bleh. Still fun, but I think we’ll have to talk with the Mods about having so many Wyverns spawning all the time with all three Dragons bosses running around as well.

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I checked out the Wildstar test server again today, first time in a couple months. There’s been some good progress, some NPC behavior is implemented, class abilities are being worked on, several more of the housing features have been added in. I’m no developer but I’d guess at this rate it’ll be a couple more years before they have the game fully restored.

I’m just jazzed that I can log onto my housing plot and put on the CalmStar playlist and then do my work in another window. I used to do a fair amount of my professional writing that way and having that possibility back is delightful.

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I had my hang-ups with WoD when it first came out.

I’m reading Rise of the Horde now, and every couple pages, I find myself getting mad at WoD again and again.

Ner’zhul never should have been a villain in WoD.

His flaws were his pride and being too weak-willed, but not actual malevolence until much later on.

Meanwhile, in the AU he still has Rulkan, alive and well, his emotional rock to support him, and he randomly decides to start tapping into the void and tosses his wife out of the clan… WHAT?

Making it because he had to “prove himself” to Grom is just idiotic. He was already the most powerful shaman. And Grom was just a fierce hot-head, not a leader. Blackhand should’ve lead the Iron Horde.

There’s so much that makes me angry about WoD now.