My apology to the Horde (8.2.5 spoilers)

Are you kidding me.

Why is anyone besides Danuser following her still? What do you gain from actively working to destroy your world… I guess Twilight’s Hammer does that though.

I can’t wait for the “Obviously Right Anduin or Evil And Crazy Tyrande” choice to not have even one-one millionth of the effort put into maintaining it.


You get to play as a ‘villain’ faction!

A horribly written, nonsensical villain faction.

“Former” Banshee Loyalist whispers: “I wonder how she’s going to kill and enslave me, I hope its long and painful what about you?”


Former Banshee Loyalist: Psst… Hey, I know who you are… Hail [The Dark Lady]


“Is that…blight? Coming out of your ears?”

Now, I am an incredibly petty and bias person, so it is far from objective when I present this tweet and say it seems like a bad idea.

Even with that in mind though, was it not just last year where we added yet another infamous quote to the pile? Has BfA (at large, mileage varies) not been a mishmash of disappointments and pitfalls and atrocious writing? I can’t fault the man for hyping up Blizzcon, it’s the big one afterall, but I want a brief hypothetical.

Assuming that Blizzcon announces everything you, personally and specifically for the sake of the hypothetical, want / need out of another patch / expansion, is the hope for that enough to generate any sort of hype right now? Would that wash away or excuse the quality of BfA? Do you even trust Blizzard to be able to do half of what you might want from them? Would a personal endorsement for upcoming content directly from a specific developer / face of Blizzard cause you to trust or distrust it more / less?



former banshee loyalists be leaning in and whispering like saying Hail Hydra

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how’d y’all get this to 500+ posts

anyway i’m very :grimacing: about the devs hyping up blizzcon because they hyped up 8.2.5 and we all saw how that turned out


We’re insane.


They also hyped up a Diablo Announcement for last years BlizzCon

Just sayin


After all of the cryptic “MAN I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS REACT TO THESE BIG ENCRYPTED CUTSCENES” flexing before this patch dropped, which comes following the BfA announcement where they tried to tease the burning of Teldrassil as some big mystery of who burned it and why… I feel pretty safe in saying that the Blizzard hype machine makes me extremely nervous because they’ve clearly lost all sense of perspective.

I can’t even say that I think they’re lying when they do it, which is somehow even more depressing.


I think they’ve come to rely on hype more than actual product.


A good expansion can excuse a crappy one. WoD was a waste but I had a lot of fun playing Legion, and I guess I won’t begrudge them too much for BfA if they announce something really good.

But I do hope they’re not trying to hype us up if all they have to announce is patch 8.3

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I actually enjoyed WOD until the end, when they screwed us out of fighting Grom Hellscream and forgave the Iron Horde because “it’s okay, it was your leader who misled you.”

I still think Yrel would have been fine if her motivation for going crazy was “Actually, no, we don’t forgive you” and not “The Light is Evil too!!!”


I’m just stuck scratching my head for what seems like something Blizzard might realistically announce to try and capture that hype. There are so many possibilities, but the weird part is that I can’t imagine Blizzard taking a knee and actually doing them instead of some new artifact power-fueled trinket or some nonsense like that.

“This time the piece you’ll be powering up will be your cape, and you can all fly around with it!”


That would require them to actually design a cape that didn’t look like busy vomit.

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Isn’t this kind of part of the larger problem, though? They drop a terrible expansion on us, then a good one to make us excuse the bad one, then they stop caring for another cycle. Personally I’d rather they just… maintain a consistent effort. But, wish in one hand…