My alts need Sandworn Relics

…and Cyphers.

You gave us the cosmic flux transfer bags, bravo!

It would be lovely if you added the rest now.

Please, and Thank you!


Both should have been account wide since 9.2 launch


I know people like ZM for the pretty and the flying… but that zone was a failure on so many other levels, imo.


Or at least make it so the pieces are BoA tokens like the 226 pieces. I mean, I don’t know why that wasn’t a thing…

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These really need to be account bound. Or the items account bound. By the time you get enough to do anything with, you already have better gear.


Main: 500+ cyphers
Alts: “Please can we have some”
Main: “I would if I could, but the blizzard won’t let me”
Alts: :sob:

Sandworn Relics discussion

Sorry didn’t see your other thread or I wouldn’t have hijacked your title.

No problem at all, the more to say they want this the better.

My newest 60 is about 200 cyphers from 6/6 but still needs 400 sandworn relics to get 4pc.
I have 5500 Sandworn relics scattered across 12 other characters, almost 900 of those are on this shaman alone.
BoA relics or BoA relic gear, either one would work.