My Account and Character Issue

Would it help if I made a video capture of what I am experiecing? It isn’t limited to any browser that I’ve seen yet. At this point I even installed and tried opera and it is occuring on the 3 (Opera, Firefox and Chrome) that I’ve tried.

Ok so I believe I’ve solved the problem. Since the forum migration I hadn’t logged into Cyniel… After that last post I wondered if it might actually have something to do with that very fact…

So I logged into that character and now the problem has disappeared. I can switch to any character and the top bar doesn’t changed me to being ‘logged out’…

Tried that multiple times… I’ve even installed a new browser.

Don’t believe we know each other. Sorry…

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Thanks for following up, Cyniel! I’m glad it’s now working for you. This behavior definitely isn’t intended and we’re working on a solution for everyone.

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Glad a solution is coming :). I did notice tho that when you log in the forum defaults to the last character you logged out of game with. Hope this info helps.