MW/WW Monk LF Casual Guild

Hi all! Searching for a guild more on the casual side. I’m looking to do AOTC and higher keys and maybe some PvP. In the meantime I am always doing mog runs/wqs/just chilling in discord. I can raid any day except sunday preferably from 7pm cst to midnight cst. I am available however from 2pm cst to 2am cst 7 days a week.

Hey you could fit here perfect. Idk what else to say cause you kinda hit us on the head xD
O we’re a little new so take that into consideration.

Tylown#1117 if you’d like to chat more

Guild - Stormrage

Sick of logging in and waiting 2-3 hours in group finder to do something relevant? Well I am!
I personally like logging into WoW with the goal of doing certain content and doing it. That’s why I’ve made this community.

Looking for chill players of any content to come together and do that content. An enjoyable place to play your class(&spec)
(Current active hours 5-9 CST M-F | Daily Weekends)

Mythic Plus

  • Preferably if your goal is to do 15+ spam!
  • Will always be willing to help others in down time and looking for the same

Heroic Raiding (9.1) Tues > Wed: 7 - 10 CST
Lives are a thing and raids are a large time commitment, as a Mythic raider in Legion I understand.

  • Looking to create a fun environment to push ourselves (FOR THE PARSE!) and achieve AOTC.
  • Once progression is done we can farm just Tues OR/AND attempt Mythic when it’s cross server Wed
  • Will be looking for a raid lead!


  • RBG would be great as it’s smaller casual content that is competitive
  • Arena pushing individuals who hate sitting in a LFG for 1 game just to quit. Form a bond and push!
  • Never hurts to help others learn in and outs! Some people are 1 tip away from that next rank!

Other cause who knows! Some weird and world event type stuff happens when a bunch of people get together to have fun.

Log on, play, progress, no wait. All are welcome. Willing to guide and gear when free.

Take note this is new so growth over time!

Hey Shane,

My guild is a casual Mythic raiding one, currently 2/10M. We definitely do focus more on the social side though, that will fit your criterias.

Check us out, guild name is Band of Thieves on Sargeras - Alliance.

Let’s chat a bit more, add me @ Robert#6541.

1 Like

Hey - would like to talk to you about an opportunity if you’re interested in a new guild

DLAres#1711 bnet

Hefty of Area 52 is looking for a few more dps and heals to bolster our team as we prepare to move into mythic. Currently 9/10H, 10/10N, we raid Tues and Thurs 10pm-1am EST. We are a semi casual adult only (21+) guild, and most of us are in our 30’s-40’s. Outside of raids, our members enjoy doing M+, pvp, transmog runs, and leveling alts. If you’re interested or would like to talk further, please add me in game at Rawrabear#1450.

Our Guild is recruiting players of all skill levels for all types of content. Our current standing is 10/10H. We raid casual - Tuesday/Wednesday from 7pm CST to 10:30/11pm CST and normally do an off-raid on Sunday or Monday (alts, old content, etc.). Our raid team is looking for someone that is flexible and able to heal/dps to help us fill roles that are short. Attendance is very much appreciated, but we want to make sure everyone puts their life first before the game! We’re open to players with all skill levels and interests, and have an active Discord. We are a newer, 18+ guild, and this is our first fresh raid tier. We are still pretty small, but looking for some more people to call it home. With a mix of both new and experienced players, our goal is to give everyone a chance to see end game content, as well as help them learn and grow their skills!

As well as raid, we have a lot of people regularly running M+ keys in any range from 2 - 15+.

Also, we currently do not have anyone maining on a monk!

If you would like to trial us out before committing to a server/faction change, we are open to that as well! We don’t want you to commit to something if it’s not what you’re looking for!

BNET - Spartacus#11524
DISCORD - Sparty#7585

Hey shanelin! You sound like someone we’d love to chat with and talk a bit more about what you’re looking for, but it sounds like it would be a great fit all around!

Winterhoof - Horde

10/10 Heroic looking to get into Mythic ASAP

Raid Schedule
Tuesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
Wednesday 8:30pm est to 11:30pm est.
We are actively recruiting for core spots and not a bench!!!

Healer - All will be considered
DPS - Mage, SPriest, and any strong DPS
All specs and classes will be looked at and considered

GM - Norton
Raid/DPS Lead - Huntandprey
Heal Lead - Smallsu
Recruitment Officer - Norton
How to reach us.
Recruitment Officers
Bnet Norton#11254 Discord Norton#6319
Bnet huntandprey#1770 Discord huntandprey#2852

Sup my dude one day a week raiding 10/10 Heroic on Zul’jin US high pop horde server Saturday morning 9am to 1pm est if your interested hit me up Sig#11142 on or discord at Sig#9905

Hit me up if you are still looking and not against going Alliance. Our info is in our guild post:

Hay nice to meet you come join me in this guild and be my monk friend:P

Mal’Ganis Triumphant is a newly formed raiding/mythic+ guild, AOTC leadership looking for laid back and focused raiders to flush out the rest of our raid team. LF Mage, Warrior, and a few dedicated healers. Accepting Socials and anyone looking to have fun.

Raid time= 7pm-10pm EST Tues/Thurs

Any class that is not listed and wish to join feel free to pm as skills is Very important!

feel free to post here or Btag Daylightfall#1562 for further details

Hi there Chanelin!

If you’re still looking, check out Murloc Madness. We are a casual heroic only guild that aims for AOTC every tier while maintaining a relaxed, fun and positive atmosphere. We have been successful in achieving our goals since Legion. Hope to hear from you and best of luck in your search!

<Murloc Madness>
About Us: <Murloc Madness> is a casual heroic weekend raiding guild located on Area 52. When we’re not raiding, our members are hanging out in Discord playing various games together or just chatting.
Raid Schedule: Friday 10pm-1am EST & Saturday 9pm-1am EST
Progression: 10/10H CN | All BfA & Legion AOTC
More Info:
Website: Apply at

Officer: Aszuna (Discord: Aszuna#8963)
Spread the Madness!

Hey Shanelin, we are 9/10H casual guild but pushing for aotc and possibly mythic raids if we get 20 people. We raid fri/sat 6pm-9pm pacific. If you have any questions add me on bnet CubbieBear#1461

Hello! Our guild would love to have an active player such as you, I am the recruitment officer in Pursuit here on Thrall. We raid 8-11PM EST Wed/Thurs and are currently 10/10H Castle Nathria. If you are interested, feel free to message me on btag, Proxymaster#1872 or on discord, Proxymaster#8607!

hey there :smiley: im from a guild called Horde Against Humanity. We are 10/10N and 10/10H. Currently preparing to adventure into mythic. We are a casual group who like to push as far as we can.

Raid nights :
Tuesday 7pm-10pm PST
Wednesday 7pm-10pm PST
(would be 9pm-12am for cst)

If you have any questions feel free to contact me on discord or bnet.

Bnet: Deton#11301
Discord: Deton#0950

Hey there, hoping we’re a fit for you!

< Unions Only >
Zul’Jin - Horde
Time: Wednesday 7-10 EST
Current progression: 10/10N, 8/10H

We’re looking for some DPS! We’re 8/10H Castle Nathria and run Mythic+. Raid is Wednesday 7-10 EST (one day). M+ throughout the week. Very active and laid back group. We like to down bosses and have fun doing it. Our goal is to eventually progress through Heroic but we won’t be bashing our heads into it. We will never step foot into Mythic Raid.

Add my btag: ishkurr#1649 if you’d like to chat some more

This is us:

Guild & Server:_ Illidans Redemption :Alliance: Silver Hand
Type of Guild: Social/M+/Raid/Xmogs/Mounts
Recruitment Contacts:
Discord: Shade_PWS#9836
BNet: okayitsliz#1616
Requirements: Be social and active in chat, enjoy grouping and laughing. Be fluent in sarcasm and typonese.
Needs: computer, internet connection, WoW sub, sense of humor
About Us: formed Feb 05, IR is about taking a laid back approach to experiencing end game content. We progress but accept the fact that as adults real life can and will intrude. It is what it is and we roll with it while having fun together.

Let’s chat!

He bud add my battletag BJENSEN28#1130 would love to chat with you.