Multiboxing question

No, they do make mistakes, that’s what the appeal is for. I guess you missed the whole ConsolePort ban that happened a month or so ago. Blizzard admitted their mistake and reverse the suspensions.

I learned a long time ago, on these forums, never take anything said by a player at face value.

Yes, Multiboxing is not an offense, but using keystroke cloning and ANYthing that can streamline the process (including outside macros) is verboten.

Rabidwulf, Thanks for the response. The only thing I do while multiboxing is, alt/tab and I’m very good at it.

Do you have ANYTHING running in the background while playing? Check your processes. I remember one guy got tagged, it turned out he a port tracer and a debugger running.

Also, did Blizzard tell you further tickets on this topic will be ignored? If not, submit an another appeal.

Rabidwulf, no I did not have anything running in the background. Just my two toons completing quests and upgrading gear for the low lvl toon.

Rabidwulf, I believe the last response from Blizz eluded to the “ban matter” had been reviewed and closed, no other considerations. I submitted another appeal, but have not had a response from Blizz. I also submitted a “revised forum update” in order to provide a clearer explanation of what took place that day and, my summation as what I felt Blizz did, and did not do in their investigation.

From the sound of things, they might have moved it up higher for a review.

The average wow player considers multiboxing to be… Playing two or more characters at the same time… They do not have to be controlled simultaneously.

Or maybe were both wrong and shouldnt assume what other people think.

The totality of my multiboxing involved having three game windows open one each on three monitors while moving my G600 mouse between the windows and my accounts got banned anyway. Blizzard assures us this isn’t a blanket ban on multiboxing but that’s exactly how they’re enforcing it. Don’t waste your time or money. If you’re paying Blizzard for multiple accounts just go ahead and cancel because they’ll just ban you based on random reports anyway regardless of your play style.

Venger, I totally agree with your comment! This is exactly what Blizzard recently did to me. Beware players; if your going to use multiple accts under the same acct, that is a big mistake! Blizzard assumed, because I “interact” between toons from all three of my accts, “I’m botting”. I do this primarily for in-game storage reasons. I have accumulated so much stuff over time, I use many of those characters on my accts for “dummy storage”, until, “guild vaults” come in to play.
On one of my appeals to Blizzard they responded, someone had reported me for, “botting”
and that they (Blizzard) investigated the matter “thoroughly”. That was a, “total lie” on Blizzards part. If Blizzard really did their “homework” in my situation, they would have seen I was “multiboxing” between my two toons.

As far as I am concerned, some in-game twit reported me for “botting”, Blizzard took their word on it, did no real follow-up investigation, as they claim, and banned all my accts.
I thought about seeking legal action against Blizzard, because I know I did nothing wrong.
I have lost all respect for Blizzard in this matter.