Multiboxing positivity

WoW tokens like I said, l2 read

Your only argument so far in favor of multiboxing is that it’s fair because blizzard allows it.

Not only is that asinine but I can’t help but feel you’re a severely misguided dunce who will agree with/do anything if someone with authority tells him it’s right.

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no dude…really.
You keep making ignorant statements comparing what is a violation of the ToS as if it applies in a discussion about boxing that ISNT a violation of the ToS.
Its amusing that you think its relevant.
It aint.

It’s so absurd it doesn’t require a response.

You’re not actually trying to understand. You’re just sealioning.

I will say this—I’m an older disabled college student. I’m so poor I’ve been exempt from taxes for the last decade. I afford boxing by budgeting for it. I use mint for my mobile, I don’t eat out, and I don’t go to movies. Wow is one of the cheapest forms of entertainment out there.

uh…duh :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

“your argument for driving on the road is that the law allows it”

Good lord… :roll_eyes:

and its ‘fair’ because YOU CAN BOX any time you CHOOSE to.
You ARENT a victim even if you play one on TV.

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You have to be one of the dumbest people I’ve ever met.

I never said it wasn’t against the ToS. I made a comparison about how buying gold from a 3rd part is against the ToS, then they started doing it themselves. Just because it’s allowed doesn’t mean it’s ok.

No one ever said boxing was against the ToS.

You said this:

And this:

Which are both wrong. Blizzard does not sell gold. And we do not receive real life money for selling gold.

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its THEIR game dude. ANYTHING they allow is ‘ok’ by definition.
Tell me when they EVER SAID that selling in game gold for real world money between players was ok.
They HAVE stated that boxing is ok and havent stopped it from occurring.
Apple meet orange.

They also think we can get 20 taps from a node.



What? lmao

You buy a token for $20 from Blizzard. You sell it to another player for Gold, how is that not Blizzard selling gold? I never said you receive RL money from it. You can however receive Blizzard $ on the store by buying a token with gold which has a Real world value.

On the positive side,

Im currently multiboxing 5 mistweaver monks in Epic BGs and it’s EPIC. I love being a healbot.

And monk dps isn’t too bad so I can manage to do Assaults. But 5 healer vision is horrible…


oh good god…because player A is providing the gold to player B.
NO NEW gold is created.

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You’re just repeating yourself over and over, I never said selling in game gold for real money was ok . Reading comprehension is bad, no point in talking to you any more.

I should try a five hunter vision.

You will have no problem with 5 BM hunter I heard you can just melt the place.

I play marksman though.

Congratulations. You can count to three. Better than expected I’ll admit.

Now explain to me how the two are functionally different…not numerically. Your stance is because there is more than one avatar on the screen, that is the justification behind allowing a single player to command a certain amount of power at any given time because they have opted to pay multiple subscriptions?

says the ones who keep making the same thread over and over.
repetition is apparently required to get reality to sink in with you all, lol

YOU are the one who keeps dragging what ISNT allowed and using it to argue against what IS allowed.

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Blizzard says it is a valid playstyle. What more do you want?


three characters are three characters. They can do no more being controlled by one player than they can three.