Sounds like you are just making the other person do all the work to disprove your argument so you dont actually have to do anything. You backtrack and force other to quote you while being vague enough you can feign ignorance later and all on top of just cherrypicking which tiny bits of their argument you feel confident enough to take on while completely ignoring the rest or waffling over it with your “opinion”.
All the signs of a lazy debater and a poor antagonistic soul.
Only provide the facts. Not true, I never said that.
Dismiss all details as inflated. I do think the 10 number is inflated because that would require two bnets. It’s more likely 5 (because a team of 5 can use The Hivemind) or 8 because that’s the max number of accounts on a bnet.
It’s untrue. I never said the word “untrue” any where but you put that word in quotation like I did.
I read every reply someone makes to me and you can’t prove othereise.
I never said anyone was ignorant and lying.
I never said my own personal experience was the universal truth.
Then you said I make MB threads which I never had.
So yeah, I scrolled up and I don’t see where I said any of the things you’re claiming.
Which requires that you not have actually read his response. You’ve got to take a chill pill and stop attacking Tovi just because you don’t like their posting style.
I used to not care too much about multiboxers. “let them have their fun” I said.
But now I think they are awful, they just completely monopolize an area , they are horrible.