Person a = I see 10 mbers.
Person b= pfft more like 5-8.
person a=Oh Im sorry were you there?
person b=no but my opinion is worth more than yours.
Why are we blindly believing person a?
Um…you might wanna quote what he said, instead of paraphrasing and cherry picking if you gonna refute something.
And where did he say that?
Now you are making stuff up. You are desperate for the “ah ha!” that you lost sight of the discussion.
Scroll dude jesus.
There is absolutely nothing unreasonable about the fact there is 10 mbers. But he seems to think it highly unlikely because that is not his personal experience.
And he never said that 10+ boxers never happen. Just that it’s more realistic to see smaller numbers.
He tried to minimize someone elses argument using nothing but AN OPINION. That is not how you debate dude.
Yes, that’s an opinion dear. I never:
Never said my opinion was fact.
Never said anyone was ignorant or lying.
Never said my personal experience was the universal truth.
The only thing I said that has you and Eatgrass foaming at the mouth is:
1.) I can some how herb in Nazjatar even though it’s full of MBs.
2.) That I think the 10 MB count is inflated. Thinking does not mean “fact” or “universal truth.”
Oh and before I forget (almost did)…
You know what else is the sign of a “lazy debater” and an “antagonistic soul?” When you resort to name calling or pointing out my post count.
Dude, You got blinders on, you are reading WAY too much into what people are saying. You are coming across as desperate for a win. Discussions are what the are, discussions, disagreements are part of the course, but when you attack the poster or “post” count, to prove your point, you failed.
Yeah there is and Rankin and I pointed out why.
Rankin stated that a 10 MB team requires 2 separate bnets which means they don’t share anything with their main one. That includes Pathfinder.
Then I added on to that by saying that a 5 team makes more sense because they can share The Hivemind (whch increases your flight speed by a ton) and an 8 team also makes more sense because that’s the maximum amount of MB toons on a single bnet.
You dont have to explicitly say things it you try to imply the authority that its true anyway. You heavily imply it and then try to get away on plausible deniablilty and then make others quote you.
You know what you are saying. You dont have to declare your own personal experience as universal truth if you just shut down anyone else talking and refuse and alternative with non-facts and opinions.
You sure act like it is though.
He never did… he just refuted your “facts”.
He literally said someone else was lying. and backed up with no facts.
Saying X is more likely than Y does not mean Y never happens. It literally acknowledges the existence of Y in the first place.
Well, are they? They made some claims that don’t add up and refused to clarify?
Eatgrass says I said something.
I said “no I didn’t.”
He says “yes I did.”
I said “ok quote where because I don’t see it.”
He then says “scroll up and you can see it.”
I said I scrolled up (which I didn’t because I know what I said) and said I don’t see it.
What else am I supposed to do? Say I said something when I didn’t? Lol no.
I would hope so.
I haven’t tried to shut anyone down, matter of fact, I wasn’t even talking to Eatgrass, the OP or you. I was talking to Rankin.
No i didn’t.
Where did I literally say this?
So, do we draw a name out of a hat to see who’s going to come back and necro the thread again in November?
You Implied someone was lying because they have to falsify their numbers.
Well, did they falsify their numbers? If no, show us the “math” so to speak. Proof is in the pudding.
They didn’t even come close to doing that. That’s some strawman you made up so you could continue being mad at them.