Multi R1 Priest LF Guild for SL

[H] Autonomy - Spinebreaker
Raid times - (Main Raid)Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst
Friday RBG 730pm pst
Saturday Alt/Trial/social Large Raid 25+ 730pm pst - 1030pm pst
Sunday Transmog RUNs

Progression -
Nyloth 10/12M 12/12H
EP 4/8M 8/8H 8/8N

Looking for quality raiders! We have an updated roster on discord.
All of our raiders have the same vision in progression we get work done within our 2 hour raid window.

We are a friendly casual guild. Stress/drama free environment. No loot qqers/big egos or favoritism here.

We run keys/alt runs through out the week!

We have an off-realm community of over 100 players.

We have a 25+man Saturday (Optional) which consist of Veteran/Newer raiders. 730pm pst -1030pm. That is 12/12 Nylotha which is considered our alt/casual raider run/trial run!

Please be able to make Tues/Wed raid times if you plan on raiding with us.

Recruiting for Tues/Wed 730pm pst - 930pm pst, as well as anyone who wants to join us for PVP, and M+. Many of our players are over 3k and are willing to push keys all the time!

Looking for all capable players to join us to bolster our roster. We are looking to start strong into Shadowlands, with CE in mind.
msg me and we can chat!

Disc- Melo#9847
Btag- Melo#11244

Hey Cultxo!

I’m Eluvian from an 11/12 M Guild on Area 52. We’ve recently reformed under this name for the purpose of creating a CE-oriented guild with the goal of consistently achieving CE each tier. Currently, we’re progging Nzoth and we’re also recruiting for SL. Our leadership has past CE experience and we have a great core of people so we’re looking for like-minded players to join us.

We currently raid 2 nights a week, Tues/Thurs from 9pm-12am EST. We have added a 3rd night (Wed) for N’zoth prog and this may occasionally happen in the future when the situation calls for it. We are a pretty chill group of people who also enjoy spending time together outside of raid as much as inside of raid whether it’s pushing keys, casual pvp and more. We are fairly active doing keys within the guild and it’s important to us to ensure this continues into SL as keys and raiding are usually complementary to each other.

We work hard to ensure the raid and guild environment are positive, we’re all there to push ourselves to be better and have a good time and we don’t want to lose sight of that. We have exciting plans for SL and I would love to speak with you more if you are interested! I’ve listed my btag below, feel free to add me if you’d like to speak further :slight_smile:


still looking

still looking

Hi Cultxo,

You didn’t leave your availability, but if you’re interested in a 2 day weekend guild, we might be a fit.

Split is a weekend mythic raiding guild on Mal’Ganis.

Hours: Fri - Sat 10:00pm -1:00am EST

Leadership is currently 12/12m and all members have true CE experience dating back to Cata. We’re looking for a solid flex priest to finish our roster for SL.

We are not actively raiding this tier and are taking a slow, methodical approach to recruiting. If any of the sparks your interest, please send me a request on Discord.


Good luck in your search.

Good morning mate! If swapping to emerald Dream-alliance is a possibility, our guild junction would love to have you! We are 2/12M looking to tackle some more mythic nyalotha before prepatch hits and then progress in SL! While we arent CE, that is something we are looking to achieve once Shadowlands hits!
There’s plenty to do in our guild, whether it’s pvp, mythic +, raids, transmog runs, or just socialize! I’ll post the guild info below and feel free to message me!

About Junction:

We are rebuilding the guild with a group of friends both old and new! We are looking for players with the drive and the passion to push themselves to be the best.

What you can expect from us as a guild:

  • A sense of community and direction!
  • Communication!
  • Strong & passionate leadership!
  • Overall friendly environment suited for all skill levels!

Currently, the raid team is AOTC and 2/12M. We are looking for more members that would like to continue mythic raiding in Shadowlands! More specifically, we’re looking for the following;

  • 2 core healers, as well as an off healer.
  • any DPS

While we’re happy to accept anyone, these are the roles we need specifically for our raid team at the moment. Current raid times are Tuesday/Thursday 9p-12a EST.

When we aren’t raiding, you can also find members doing the following:

  • PvP (BGs and Arenas)
  • Mythic+ Pushing (+16’s and higher)
  • Achievement Runs
  • Old Raid Transmog Runs
  • Alt Leveling

How to apply:
If you would like to apply and have any further inquiries/questions, please reach out to me via BattleTag: Professoroak#1732 or Discord: Elitefourlance#5703

We appreciate your time and interest. Hope to hear from you soon!

Hey! You sound like the perfect fit for my double disc raid comp :stuck_out_tongue: CE group, EST… horde.

Add my btag


Hello there Seraphic is searching for heroic and mythic raiders for Shadow Lands. We are lead by 11/12M Nya raiders and are located on the Tichondrius server as Horde. Our raid times are Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday 8pm to 11pm EST. If you are interested in a good, positive mentality, fun between pulls but able to be serious when required kind of guild then please feel free to add and message me on Discord: Borii#4823 or Bnet: Borii#1331

Hey Cultxo,
[Arise] Reforming for Shadowlands. We are located on Tichondrius. Our core has been formed through longtime friendships which has always been the foundation of our guild. Our goal is set on mythic progression with intention of pushing CE. We’re an extremely close group of people that are always willing to help out with whatever you need to be successful in the guild. We also like to occasionally spam M+ outside of raid times for gearing fellow guild members. Our core is made up of positive individuals who strive to push the guild in a path towards CE.

Current Recruitment Needs:

<Range: All Classes

<Melee: Full

<Tank: All Classes

<Healer: Full

(Even if your class isn’t specifically listed above, we encourage you to apply or contact the recruiter anyways. We are a progression guild after all and we will always consider exceptional players)

Raid Schedule :
Wednesday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST
Friday: 8:00pm - 11:00pm PST

Prior Achievements: 6/9M 9/9H BoD 2/2H CoS

General requirements include:

Mature players (Preferably 21+)
-Positive attitude towards every situation.
-Ability to adapt and overcome.
-Desire and passion to get better each and every night with the intention of achieving personal goals/guild goals.
-Ability to use Discord and have a working mic.
-Ability to frequently check up on our discord for updates on raid strategies and other general guild information.

We understand real life takes priority so a simple heads up to the GM or an officer will suffice. If you cannot keep a raid attendance of 90%, then this guild might not be the right fit for you.

Please Join our Discord for more information and to submit Application.

Feel free to contact us with any questions:
Kostadine- Kostadine#1413
Enkazil- Enkazil#1407

Kostadine - Kosta#8757
Enkazil - Enkazil#7836

still looking

still looking for guild

Hi cult, hope you’re doing well. I’m recruiting for a new W/TH 7:30-11pst guild formed by a group of previous top raiders looking to raid on a shorter schedule. We’re looking for dps especially ones that can flex to healing, I’m sure your talent in pvp can carry over to pve in the right environment. Post below

[A] - sargeras - 2 day weekday 7hr W/TH 7:30-11PST LFM CE Shadowlands

Hey Cultxo. Does a fri and sat raid at 8-11pm EST work for you? Add my btag @ Frozen#1151 if you think it would :slight_smile:

Hi Cultxo,

We are a CE guild looking for a Shadow Priest or Disc Priest for the SL raid team. If you are interested, the wowprogress link has our application and more information (loot, what’s provided by guild, etc). We have several Glads and former glads/RBG folks in the guild. We are not a PVP guild though so I’m not sure if that’s what you’re looking for.

Thank You and hope to hear from you,


Raid Times/Days: Tues&Wed 9-Midnight EST (8-11pm CST)

Current Progression: We are currently 12/12M Cutting Edge

Wowprogress (including rules and application): ttps:// (add an H at the beginning - can’t post links here)

Requirements: Good logs, history of CE is a plus, knowing multiple specs of a class is a plus. Maintaining at least one geared alt is highly recommended but not required.

Needs: Dpriest/Rshaman, DPS

Recruiter Contact: Btag: Patticakes#1742 Discord: Patticakes#4610

Hey man,

Ill keep it short here, myself and 6-7 other people are forming a guild to raid Cutting Edge in shadowlands. We are former top 30-50 US raiders and are cutting our hours back to raid 2 nights to supplement gear and focus on other aspects of the game like PvP.

If this is something you’re interested in feel free to add me on bnet and we can talk more :slight_smile:


Hey Cultxo, would love to talk to you! I think you would be a perfect fit! Add me and we can talk in detail.

We are formed by a group of veteran players that have known each other for years. Our core leadership has top US 30-100 experience. We also have a few people who have pushed 12/12M this tier. We are a laid back group but know when it is time to get serious and push content. We raid a relatively light schedule compared to other guilds at our rank and want to be efficient and effective with our time.

With many of us having experience in higher end raiding the target for the guild is to progress in the US 100-200 range. As a result, we are taking our time with recruitment in order to meet these goals.

Current recruitment needs:
Melee DPS – DK
Ranged DPS – Warlock, Hunter
Healer- Disc/Holy Priest, MW Monk

With a new expansion just around the corner we are flexible to what people are looking to play and are open to changes for Shadowlands.

Raid Times:
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday – 11:00-2:00AM EST

If you have any questions or would like additional info please feel free to reach out to either
Kurtis (Recruitment Officer): Burtis#11734 (Btag) Kurtis#2708 (Discord)
Moja (Raid Lead): Moja#11524 (Btag) Saint#0374 (Discord)

still looking


We would be very interested in speaking with you about a spot on our healer core.

Seraphic is a Horde guild on the Realm Area 52, our focus is mythic progression and mythic +. The guild is being formed from a group of friends, several with multiple CE achievements and the rest with high level mythic progression. We’re wanting a chill yet serious environment where players can enjoy the time they have to play the game, but still progress at a fair or quicker pace through the high end PvE content. We raid 8pm to 11pm EST Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Current Needs:

Tanks - Open to Exceptional Applicants
Healers - Holy Paladin, Holy Priest, Mistweaver Monk, Resto Shaman
Melee DPS- Open to Exceptional Applicants
Ranged DPS - Ele Shaman, Boomkin Druid, Shadow Priest

If you believe you are exceptional at your class and can outperform one of our raiders apply today, we will give you the opportunity to show it.

Below is a list of our general goals and ambitions

  • Be fairly geared throughout the expansion.
  • Clear Heroic within first or second week of tier release.
  • Complete +15 M+ keys once a week minimum.
  • To build a community of players that are online around the clock.
  • Preferably a friendly environment.
  • By the end of Shadowlands, we want to be CE in more than one raid tier.

If interested, reply to this post with battletag or Discord information.

Feel free to add one of our officers on Discord for a faster response:

Froggy - Guild Master - Discord vmsfroggy#4819 - Bnet vmsfroggy#1886
Isaac - Raid Leader - Discord (Stink)#7494 - Bnet Stink#11325
Shankspec - Recruiter - Discord Shankspec#8004 - Bnet mynucka1788#1532

Still looking


We raid two days a week 9:00-12:30 EST, get CE, and the guild has been around since Vanilla.

If you are interested in raiding with us, feel free and fill out the google form on our wowprogress page.