Multi Class Tank LF Mythic guild for Dragonflight

Looking for a guild that plans on working up to mythic, have been raiding on and off since wrath of the lich king, looking to get CE one of these patches - doesn’t have to be this one but want to work up to it eventually. Guilds that do a lot of m+ would be good as well, looking to get KSM every season.

highest progression this expac has been 6/10 M Nathria, got 5/11 H SOFO before I stopped raiding earlier in the tier.

My main goal is to find a group for dragonflight, anything I can do between now and when it comes out is a plus.

As far as tanking goes I’m willing to play any of the Tank classes and have played all of them at one point or another.

Wanting to chat with you on discord i possible Klarity#1518

Who’s excited for dragonflight?

A little bump here

Hi Balrar. We are a new guild creating a team. Looks like our goals are aligned. Take a look and please reach out on Discord if interested:

Subst#5741 (Discord)
damdifino#5943 (Discord)

Bumping here

Throwing out another bump, trying to keep this thing up there!

Late night bump