Moved over to FF14


Loved the community and cohesion it has upon people respectfully doing things together & indeed very approaching to help out without embarrassment. As a matter of fact, highly worth to build up friends there! Truly this reminds me of old school FFXI, Everquest and old WoW.

What puts me off it’s the burnt out of excessive storyline quests, the screen having so many ???ing bars, information, etc that triggers me with OCD; I prefer simplicity. The combat feels like anime-god mode fight style that I won’t lie it’s given me headaches (surprisingly not seizures due to so many bright effects)

Never got into it personally. And I did the beta for ESO and heavily involved in SWtOR before it went free to play.

All seemed kind of weird to me how many people say things like “it’s really friendly to new people,” like if that’s some dramatic improvement to wow.
When I hear that, it makes me think there is just nothing to do in the game once you aren’t “new people.”

I’m sure that mentor thing works fine but as much as I do love helping people I can’t imagine spending time doing it for any length regularly. There is just so much I want to do for myself!

Seems like that game is super focused on casual content. I’ve heard a lot of people praise it’s story, its leveling, it’s crafting and it’s class situation, but never the end game pve or PvP haha.

That would worry me, if I was looking for a new mmo. The first month or so might be better in a game that’s more inviting for new players but I don’t plan on being a noob for long.

Ironically, this is my same concern for classic so I geuss I understand why this baits people.


I think people are just “””””nicer””””” over there is jus because of the blacklisting feature. People are so deathly afraid of it that they start acting like their in a thought prison or something

I’m putting more thought into time in the woods more than I am thinking about playing other games right now.

Ah, ignorance at it’s finest.


I really liked ffxiv up until about level 50. The post ARR quests are appallingly bad. Imagine getting to level 60 in wow, but your xp is frozen until you complete lore master of EK and Kalimdor. Only then can you move onto bc/wrath.

Thanks for this post. Downloading it now.


A mentor system would be awesome for WoW! Rewards for helping a new player would be nice! :smiley:


Tried the Free Trial. Here’s why FF14 didn’t click with me:

  • Mobs have no loot. Like, lol? No loot at all, outside of Dungeons. It’s so boring to kill quest mobs or anything, when you know you’re getting absolutely nothing for it.

  • Loooong Global Cool Down forces the entire game to be casual, no split-second decisions or demonstrations of actual skill.

  • It’s just a glorified upskirt panties-peaking simulator.

Not that (current) WoW is even close to being a good game in comparison but the MMO-scene is riddled with mediocrity and it’s boggling that we haven’t seen a half-decent MMORPG come out in over a decade. Quality must not be compatible with profit.


I moved to FFXIV too(until the 8.2 atleast). The community is so, so friendly. All my gear broke after the first boss in the dungeon and I asked my party to kick me but they refused and encouraged me to stay and that we will work it out togeher. I equipped some of the old leveling gear I had in the bags and healed the dungeon and with a few wipes we got it done. I also complained in the capital city that I couldn’t afford to buy all the crafted gear I needed to get into a dungeon to continue the main story and to my surprise someone bought me the pieces I was missing! The community is super friendly! And, ofcourse, u get more cut-scenes and story there, also more emotes and dances. The game does have it’s minuses as well. But, dams, the community there is just so chill.


$99 you weren’t even close to raiding Ultimates. Even Savage difficulty ranged anywhere from Heroic (newer Savage) to Mythic (older Savage raids).

FFXIV’s world building is actually very good.

Dude, have you even played WoW?

Another turtle made it to the water!

New Sylvanas would like a word with you, also Archimonde, and Kiljaeden. Oh, it looks like Argus is there too…

Sargeras knew the void would destroy everything so he wanted to destroy everything first so he could destroy the void… So deep.
Arthas’ soul fused with the Lich King, a literal being of pure evil, and everything that made Arthas, Arthas. Was gone.
P.s. Arthas was nothing but an edgy little brat as a character.

Ok, and here is how I know you haven’t touched a Ultimate Raid let alone a Savage, and probably not even an extreme encounter. FFXIV does have a long gcd, but it also has positionals, combos, reactive, and “weave”(off gcd) abilities. Screwing up a rotation in FFXIV is enormously more punishing than an accidental button press in WoW. That’s what a longer GCD does; It increases the weight of each action.

In conclusion, you’re full of yourself. And your post is a rant that lacks any specificity.

I see you also like to pull numbers out of your butt. The mentor program is good, you were probably toxic enough no one wanted anything to do with you.


Loot is automatically put in your bags when you kill a mob. No right clicking the corpse. Outdoor mobs do in fact have loot.

The early game is pretty awkward woth the 2.5 sec GCD but you quickly get loads of instant attacks to weave in between your globals. (the APM of a bard at high level is insane compared to a wow class)

I mean, that’s fair. But at least the gameplay is good.


Funny as I experienced quite the opposite in FFXIV.

I found the community to be quiet. I saw people, but no one would ever talk. I was stuck a few times and reached out for help and nothing. I felt like I was playing a single player mmo.

As for the cut scenes, they were extremely long and boring and wayyy too many of them. I remember one of them I finished a quest quick and had to get ready to head out and the cut scene was over 15 mins long. I tried hitting esc to skip or anything but nothing let me skip it. Not sure if it is another key, but it was long and boring.

I don’t see how FFXIV is a lot more inviting to new players compared to WoW. FFXIV is just like all the other mmos so it isn’t hard to pick up and start playing.

What really did it in for me was the zones were small and felt like you were on rails due to all the invisible walls. In WoW if you want to jump off a mountain or jump into the ocean you can. FFXIV blocks you with invisible walls. Not only that, loading screens galore so it takes out a lot of the immersion. It would be like walking up to the SW gates and instead of being able to keep walking, you hit a loading screen and takes you into the trade center. So stupid.

Just an amusing little observation, mentioning FFXIV around here is one of the fastest ways to get people riled up around here. It’s quite evident that the dedicated WoW community is perceiving FFXIV as some sort of threat.

Conversely, mentioning WoW in FFXIV has a similar effect – quite a few players in that game are FORMER WoW players, many of them with not too fond memories of this game and its community.

In other words, FFXIV is shaping up to be the anti-thesis to WoW.

Largely because it explicitly does a few key things differently, and because a good chunk of the community doesn’t want to re-create the worst parts of their previous experiences in WoW.

If you’ve ever played one of the single-player Final Fantasy games, this detail about FFXIV should hold no terrors.

It’s also somewhat amusing, but there are a handful points in the game where it actually WARNS YOU the upcoming sections of cutscenes are quite long (often exceeding half hour when the warning occurs). That being said, these occur at MAJOR story break-points (the end of an expansion’s overall story, for example) and when a lot of important events are happening.

Essentially, the game all but outright tells you to get the popcorn.

If I were to summarize FFXIV’s right now, compared to WoW?

If you go into FFXIV expecting a similar experience to WoW, especially regarding the endgame and PvP? Do yourself a favour and play another game.

If you go into FFXIV expecting a Final Fantasy game with similar gameplay structure to WoW, but with a decidedly different focus (more on casual and story-driven content)… the doors are wide open, come on in.


You looking for a tree?

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LOL FF. Good one OP. Next you’re going to tell me you started watching anime.

Sees comment about 2 dungeons requiring over an hour combined.

Remembers when Wailing Caverns alone would take at least 2 hours…


I go back to FF every now and then because I still have a few friends that play.

One thing I can’t get past is the lack of any VO from NPC’s outside of cut scenes. I realized how much the little voice touches WOW has for NPC’s throughout the world really adds to the immersion.

There’s also a general disconnect to how the sound design is layered into the game. It feels like a silent movie with some poorly done looped foley audio.

The game still looks nice though. In the end it seems more like a nostalgia fix for anyone who loved Japanese RPG’s as a kid. The music, sound fx and combat all echo those old games. It doesn’t do it for me but I have friends who can’t stop playing.

BotW is amazing